Saturday, October 26, 2013

Is there God or is there no God?

What is the number one question that has troubled people of every generation?
Many have lived and died never having answered this question for them.
Unanswered questions about life leaves one to live  without real peace without real joy only  day by day existence until that day when they are taking that last breath still wondering what’s  waiting on the other side.

What is that question that has haunted the human race from life’s beginning?
Is there God or is there no God?

Atheist believes there is no God and stake their entire lives and destiny on that belief.
Psalm 14  (ESV)  The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds,there is none who does good.

Agnostics wonder if there is God or not and spend their entire lives in wondering whether God is or God is not never having an answer to their question.
Acts 26:28 (KJV) Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

Religious people believe there is God and spend their lives in doctrines of men and forms of worship but denying the very power of Almighty God.
2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Satan and devil spirits know there is God they understand His mighty power and fear and tremble at the mention of His name.

James 2-19 (KJV Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

For us Christians the question of God is answered it is settled in our hearts we feel His presence in all creation as we look upon the magnificent beauty of a master craftsman’s hands.
His Holy Spirit working in our lives molding us day by day into that person He created us to be.

Christians are convinced that there is God because He reveals Himself to them in miracles and wondrous works in their lives.
For us Christians there is no more doubt about life or that life continues after death of our body.
We don’t wonder where we came from why we are here and where we are going.

The answer to this mystery has been totally answered in the Holy Bible and by the indwelling presence of Gods Holy spirit living in us fulfilling His will and purpose in those who believe.

I have no regrets that I surrendered the living of my life to the guidance of Almighty God when I was a young age of 21 years old.

Because of that choice my wife and I have spent more than 54 wonderful years together having a peace that cannot be understood with human mind and joy that cannot be explained in human terms.

We have watched our children grow into responsible young adult men and women who is an asset to their families, country and communities because we raised them up with God’s help to seek out the Holy Bible for answers to life’s questions and problems and to trust in Jesus for help in living through them.
Now we are watching our grandchildren bring up their children to live life in the same manner.
What a great joy it is to know that we have not lived our lives in vain but Mary and I have lived to fulfill Gods will and purpose for our lives and when it is our time to lay down our bodies and step over into eternity there awaits us life and joy beyond what we could ever think or imagine.

Yes there is God He is the answer to life’s mysteries for us.

C.E.Lee 10262013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It is not Gods finger on the trigger doing and allowing these things to be done to us

Many in our society are screaming for gun control because they say guns kill people but if they would exercise some common sense they would realize that it is not the gun that pulls the trigger it is the finger of the person who holds the gun. The gun is blamed for the evil that happens when it is in the wrong hands.

In our society many have turned away from faith in God many deny the existence of God they want Him not spoken of in public. Separation of church and state they scream.

Because they say if there is a loving God how could He allow the evil and the suffering that goes on in this world?

They quickly want to blame God for all the bad things that they suffer just as they do the gun.

They view Christianity as evil and say it pollutes the minds of children and should not be taught in the class room.

I have watched the trend to remove God and His ten commandments their efforts to wipe Christianity from the public places.

And today I see much more evil prevailing in many more lives many more are suffering many more bad things in their lives today than I ever saw while growing up in the last generation among families and classmates who had faith in God and lived the Christian life in their homes in their schools and in public.

Yes there is a loving God and it is the presence of His Holy Spirit that holds the universe and this world together. He is in control of the breath and life of all living and when He says our time is up we drop lifeless to the ground while our spirit steps over into eternity.

But in disappointment to many people the shocking truth is God is not to blame for the evil, suffering, heartache, pain, sorrow murder and death we see increasing daily in our society.

It is not Gods finger on the trigger doing and allowing these things to be done to us.

You see God loves us so much that he gave us freedom and liberty to make our own choices and He sealed that right to us by His own word and will not violate that right by force.

God grieves as He looks down upon His creation and sees what we are doing with the freedom and liberty that He gave us.

You may blame God, you may deny the existence of God you may refuse to live by Gods laws you may fail to teach your children the wisdom of the Holy Bible.

But never will God intervene in your affairs and the gift of free will choice by forcing His will upon you.

If you are leading an evil sinful and wicked life that promotes bad things to happen it’s your finger on the trigger not Gods.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Will we become a socialist country ruled by Dictatorship?

I know that my posts are not widely read but still I keep posting knowing if just one person reads I have not labored in vain in my attempts to bring attention to what is happening to our beloved country.
And together we can work to restore the hope that America can be saved from the catastrophe that awaits it if it continues in the direction that it is now going.

Just my thoughts:
It seems to me that America is so equally divided that it has lost its ability to accomplish anything good in this world anymore.

Those coming here from other parts of the world to escape dictators, oppression communism and socialism are finding that there is no escape in America anymore.

America is becoming like the country’s they left, the freedom and liberty they hoped to gain in America is being taken away more and more by the far left that has gained control in America and are changing the image of the America that once was in to the likeness of the very countries that they have sought to escape.

A quote by Ronald Reagan who was in my opinion the wisest president ever elected to serve the American people in my life time.
“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”
― Ronald Reagan

Some have said that we are now two Americas and looking at the facts it seems to be so.
There is the left thinking liberals in control of our government today which to my opinion includes Democrats and some Republicans.
There is a few freedom loving conservatives there standing their ground but due to lack of support they can’t accomplish much towards restoring soundness in our government.

As I look at the states I see a country that is now split almost down the middle between Conservatives and Liberals.
Between the fighting back and forth no one winning nothing of good being accomplished

This country has lost its sense of good leadership and has opened the door for world domination which if it happens we will have lost the freest and greatest nation in the world.

If this division continues history may repeat itself and there may have to be decided two forms of government in this country at some point as it was for a number of years with east Germany and West Germany before they reached a generation that had enough sense to tear down the wall between them and live in peace with one another.

God forbid that this would ever happen in America but something has to be done before the whole country destroys itself.

Will we become a socialist country ruled by Dictatorship?
Or Will we remain a free Republic led by freemen a nation of Independence and liberty?

Our choice determines our future destiny but remember freedom and liberty once lost is the hardest thing in the world to recover.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Is it any wonder that so many still love and support the harm this man is doing to America?

This picture represents two different generations showing the end results of dumbed down parents, Christian churches, and educational system that has failed to instill in our children honesty, truthfulness, integrity and morality.

We are simply reaping the fruits of the seeds we have sown and harvesting the bad crops we have planted.

There is no understanding of right from wrong in most of this generation and when the tree is grown it’s too late to make straight the bend that it has taken.

Unlike our past generations this generation has been raised up to see good as evil and evil as good.

They have accepted false as truth and truth as false moral character as wrong and immoral character as right.

Is it any wonder that so many still love and support the harm this man is doing to America?

They have become so brainwashed with twisted values that they can no longer see the real values that made America the greatest nation in the world.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Is the history and the spirit of Rome repeating itself in twenty first century America?

Is the history and the spirit of Rome repeating itself in  twenty first century America?

Rome began as a kingdom around 800 BCE and was then a republic, before becoming an empire. The first Roman Emperor was Octavius, who took the imperial name Augustus. He became emperor in 31 BCE.

The Roman Empire split into a Western Roman Empire and an Eastern Roman Empire in 395 CE. The Western Empire ended in 476 CE. The Eastern Empire, or Byzantine Empire, ended in 1453.

Depending on how you define the Roman Empire:
  • The united empire lasted 426 years
  • The Western Empire lasted a further 81 years, for a total of 507 years
  • The Eastern Empire lasted a further 1058 years after the split, for a total of 1484 years.

History tells us that the Roman Empire had a great fall…. What do you think Americas history will record if it continues on under the course Obama and the Democrats have set for it?

After viewing this video maybe it will help you to recognize the comparison.

Americans have far greater knowledge than the people of Rome in their day.

What it’s going to take to prevent the great fall of America is not knowledge but wisdom in the house of our government.

Time is running out for We the people to sweep the house clean and install men and women of wisdom to manage our government.

We need to unite now pick up our brooms and shovels and any other tool that will help us get the job done and do some serious house cleaning in Washington.

If this is neglected and nothing is done to stop what is happening in today’s America expect our nation’s great fall coming up soon!
Acts 4: 1-3
New International Version (NIV)
4 The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. 2 They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people, proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. 3 They seized Peter and John and, because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day.
18 Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! 20 As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
21 After further threats they let them go. They could not decide how to punish them,

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I am thinking how important is today?

I am thinking how important is today?
Is it important enough for us to take some time to pray?

Our time is no longer measured in years and hours, but precious moments are all we have left.
Our years have been stolen from us by Satan’s deceptive theft.

And once we have lost them we can never get them back.
But we can commit our moments into Gods divine hands and let Him put what is left back on the right track.

Time is running out eternity is just ahead.
Where will you live one moment after you are dead?

Life still goes on after we leave the earth.
Our spirit does not die that is the devils lie.
Heaven or hell awaits us the moment that we die.

Heaven awaits those on earth who have had new birth.
Jesus said, “You must be born again” Through His Holy Spirit to new life without desire to sin.
By His love he forgave us, With His blood he saved us.

Through His word He cleansed us and through His Holy Spirit we are born to live a life that’s new.

Where will you live one moment after your life on earth is through?

By a simple choice that only you can make you can break Satan’s damning spell.
It is up to you to decide eternal life in heaven or eternity spent in hell.

Your time is running out eternity is just ahead. Where will you live one moment after you are dead?

C.E.Lee 1082013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Here is something worth thinking about

Here is something worth thinking about since it affects our lives forever:

Genesis 1 :1 (NIV)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

Genesis 2:8  (NIV)
Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed

Genesis 2:20-22  (NIV)
But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Genesis 3:8  (NIV)
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

The voice of God is still heard by those who stop to listen.

In the beginning Almighty God was the government of man.
Then God gave Adam Authority over the earth Adam sinned and gave his authority over to Satan.
Satan took control of the hearts of men governments of men took control of the earth.

God sent His only begotten Son Jesus His second Adam to earth to regain authority over the earth.
Jesus was faithful in His obedience and love for God and He is in control of the universe, the heavens the earth and all of His creation.

Satan now only has power in the lives of humans as humans give him authority over their lives.

Man needed only the government of God when he was placed upon earth in the Garden of Eden.
We need only the government of God in today’s generation.

Take a good look at what God offers in His government and a closer look at what Satan offers in his.

Choose the one you think is best … It’s your choice to make… but remember the choice you make is a life or death decision.