21st century Constitutional
history taking place in Washington D.C. today news worthy action happening at
our nation’s capital and where is the news media? Where are the supporters of
this brave few standing up for the constitution of a once free nation to be
saved from the tyrants that are destroying it?
People it seems to me that there is an
organized black out of information coming from a most important event
concerning our country’s freedom and not many even care to hear about it.
Have the masses become as brainwashed zombies
following their master and willingly giving up their freedoms without an effort
to hold onto to those precious freedoms our constitution and bill of rights
have guaranteed us for the past 238 years?
Our freedom to be a Christian is given us by
the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and yet so many Christians are silent
in these very days that our faith and way of life are under attack.
Our freedoms as American citizens was given
us by our forefathers shedding their blood to give us our American Constitution
and Bill of rights and yet so many are willing to remain silent while we are losing
Have we become a nation of cowards willing to
turn over our rights to control the destiny of our country to a handful of
elected employees sitting in the White house mocking and laughing and
persecuting the few who are willing to not only speak out but put action to
their words by joining together in peaceful protest in front of our nation’s
Where is we the People of the Republic of the
United States of America? Why aren’t more of you doing something in support of the
few American brothers and sisters who are are on the front line holding up the
banner of freedom on our behalf?
If we lose our voice and our right to freedom
of speech and peacefully assemble to address our grievances with a corrupt government
gone wrong now.
We will never have this opportunity again
this day will only come once in our life time.
Speak out now and remain free keep silent and
become slaves, it is only WE the People that can make that decision.
We can unite to keep our country free or
continue to separate ourselves from one another and destroy all the freedoms we
have left.
A wise man
once said, “the only thing necessary for
the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke