Folks November 6th 2012 will be the most
important day in the history of America. I firmly believe this many others
believe it as well. We all should be looking forward to it we should be
counting down the days with excitement. What we do on that day is going to
determine the fate of America whether for good or for bad whether we vote or
not we will all have a part in deciding the future of America. For me I had
rather cast my vote by my own choice than to not vote and let it be responsible
for helping to elect the wrong party or person to govern our country.
When I vote for leaders I do not look at political parties I am not a Democrat I am not a Republican I do not vote for skin color I do not vote for race it matters not to me what party color or race they are from.
My concern is whether they are an American citizen and if
they are honest, truthful, and of good moral character whether they stand on
the foundation of the laws of God recorded in the Holy Bible and in the
American constitution as written and adopted by our American forefathers.
I remember what America was like in the 1940’s ,1950’s and 1960’s when I grew into young manhood. I could find people in both political parties that I could relate to and vote for. In those days there were so many men and women of both political parties that had these qualities. I mixed my vote and chose the person from either party that I thought to be the best leader.
In these past several years we the American people have
allowed dishonest, liars of immoral character who have no love for God’s laws
neither our American constitution to enter our politics and invade our
government we have not checked their background to prove the kind of people
they are we have just gone to the voting booths blindly voting for their false
Both political parties today have become corrupt and full of
greed and in their desire for power over the people they no longer work for the
good of the people. This holds true for our Supreme Court justices and lower
court judges as well. Still there is a few that love God and our country they
are there because of a desire to work for the people and the good of America.
These are the ones we need to give our support to, but we need to study them
prove them and know them before we vote for them.
Now we see our country in the worst shape it has ever been in its nearly 237 year’s history. America is on the verge of total collapse. I am very concerned, as well you should be too , we cannot stand another four years like the past or even worse than the last four. Folks we had better get this one right, because it may be the last time we will ever have to get it right. We have to return integrity, honesty, truthfulness and people of good moral character back to our government. We have to vote leaders who will do the will of the people before we are totally controlled by the will of the government.
By this let me encourage those of you who will vote to do as I, study the candidates thoroughly listen carefully to their words watch their every action check into their backgrounds know the candidate well.
Will he or she be a leader or will they seek to dominate,
control and dictate their will upon us?
The choice is surely ours to make. America’s future and destiny is in our hands. How we vote and who we vote for will most certainly determine whether we are winners or losers the outcome of our country is in our power and our power is in prayer and our privilege to vote for good government leaders.
My heart’s desire and prayer for America the country I love is that we the people will do it right this time. I believe along with many others that this election is absolutely the most important election in America’s history.
God please don’t let us fail to do it right.
C.E.Lee 8/18/2012
Patrick Henry - "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here."
John Adams
"The only foundation of a free
constitution is pure virtue; and if this cannot be inspired into our people in
a greater measure than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the
forms of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty. They will only
exchange tyrants and tyrannies."
James Madison
"We have staked the whole future of
American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have
staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of
mankind for self-government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern
ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten
Commandments of God."
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