Friday, December 28, 2012

God is God of many chances

Some say that God is a God of second chances.

 But I say God is God of many chances.

From the day of our birth we begin our walk through life.

Some days of sorrow some of sickness some of pain some of strife.

But thank God there is also some of happiness some of bliss some of joy.

 But all are given for us to enjoy.

 Most of life is good we can be happy and carefree.

By faith we can even rejoice in the things we cannot yet see.

 But some is bad because we have enemies all along the way

That wants to destroy the good and ruin our day.

 There is the devil that tempts us to fall and wants us to fail.

All is not calm on this ship of life that we sail.

There are humans by what they say and things that they do

 They are always trying to hurt me and you.

 Yes even our inner self presses us daily to make choices that are wrong.

  Its only when we walk hand in hand with God through each passing day

That we receive the strength to defeat our enemies along the way.

Because it’s in walking in the joy of the Lord that makes us live in His strength our lives being strong.

And so it is in our walk of life one day dies and carries with it all of our triumphs and failures all our sins and mistakes into history past.

 A new day lives with new choices we have new opportunities to break from all that hinders us keeping us from living a life of victory a life in the perfect will and blessings of God.

We can live in harmony with our creator a life that will forever last.


 Yes He is a God of many chances giving us breath to live in each new day.

 Opportunities to make changes of the way we live at the dawning of each New Year.

Chances to receive His forgiveness of all our sinful ways

 We all have many Chances to have all our sins forgiven forever throughout all of our days.

 Those things that have long kept us separated from Him.

By His love and compassion He wants to cleanse us from all of them.

Chances to have our slate wiped clean made white as snow

 Without spot or blemish everything made clear.

By the washing of His holy word and the blood of Jesus all our sins will go.

Here we are again beginning a brand New Year and how we live it is up to me and you.

The old is gone and faded out of sight. 

We have another chance to live it all wrong or live it all right.

The fact that we made it this far proves that God is not finished with us yet

He is not through working on us let us not ever forget...

God has done His part.

God has given us all a brand new start.

 It’s up to us to give it our best.

 And leave in God’s hands all of the rest.

Almighty God Father of all creation creators of all life creators of all that is all that was and all that will ever be.

The God of many chances is extending His never ending love every second every minute every hour every day every month every year. We are His master piece in His heart He holds us dear.

His hands outstretched in mercy and grace He sacrificed His only begotten Son to save the human race. Jesus lay down His life for the sins of you and me.

God put us on earth He gave us good laws to live by but most of us have rejected His commandments the keeping of not even one we don’t even try.

God hates wickedness and sin In His kingdom of heaven He will not allow it in.

That’s why He pronounced death and judgment to all who rebel all wickedness and sin is cast into a devils ever burning Hell.

Yes He is a God of many chances but there is a day when His mercy and grace will end. His righteous laws for no one He will never bend.

There is a cut off day a breaking point a point of no return.  Anyone and anything that’s not cleansed by the blood of Jesus is going to burn.

If we have awakened to this New Year it is not too late for us if His voice we will hear.

We have another chance to be forgiven of all our sins. We have another chance to repent.

Last year is gone along with the wages of sin we have paid. Wasted lives we have spent.

We have reached the point of no return when in death our grave we are laid.

2 Corinthians 6:2

For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

Hebrews 12:1

King James Version (KJV)

 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Philippians 3 :12-14

King James Version (KJV)

Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus
God bless you all may you all grow closer to Him and may you be in good health and prosper please enjoy a Happy New Year. I know I certainly will.


C.E.Lee 12/28/2012


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas is life’s greatest holiday

Christmas is life’s greatest holiday. Celebrate it rightly by keeping Jesus Christ in your Christmas. If you leave Him out of your celebrations you have no Christmas, because Jesus is the reason for celebrating Christmas.

The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ proved that God loved us so much that He was not willing to let us perish in our sins without giving us a way out.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

 I at one time lived my life in sin and even a bit of wickedness and would have continued until I died in sin and perhaps much more wickedness if Gods love was not greater than my sins.
John Chapter 3

17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

The death of our Lord Jesus Christ on a cross of death confirmed how much God loves us and how far He would go to save us from the consequences of our sins. I know that the world is looking for and many are expecting a savior to come in our present time to save us from our sin created mess .Some even look at the present president of the United States as if he were a savior. But the fact is there will never be another savior of mankind. Jesus Christ was the first and only savior that God will ever send. He still is and will always be a savior of the peoples of the world.

Jesus is the only one, who can save us from the results of our sins by,

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the cold dark grave of death validated His power over life, death and the grave.
Luke Chapter 24
6 He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,

When Jesus came forth out of deaths grave He proved to me His power to save sinners like me.

And when I was faced with two ways to live and two ways to die I chose to live in Jesus. I chose life over death.

I accepted Jesus as my saviour from the consequences of my sins to be free.

That is why I celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas day. He is the only one my debt of sin can pay.

He is the only one in this world of sin and strife that can give me hope of enduring life.

Christmas is life’s greatest holiday. Celebrate it rightly by keeping Jesus Christ in your Christmas. If you leave Him out of your celebrations you have no Christmas, because Jesus is the reason for celebrating Christmas.
C.E.Lee   12/9 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What I am thinking today…

What I am thinking today…

I am thinking how backward our society has become in today’s America.

We were all born into this world in the same way. We had nothing and we owned nothing. Our earthly father took the tiny seed of life that God created inside of him and merged it with the tiny seed of life that God created inside of our mothers. God breathed into our tiny bodies his breath of life and we were born tiny helpless babies dependent upon our father, our mother and most of all God, because without His breath of life we would not live.

We had no other choice but to depend on father and mother for the things we needed to sustain us for a period of our lives.

When we grew up and became men and women we were supposed to begin depending on ourselves for what we need and on God for what we cannot provide for ourselves.

It seems to me over the past few years that more and more young people have become reluctant to leave the home of father and mother continuing to depend on them. And certainly most in this generation have turned their back on God refusing to seek Him for anything.

The majority of Americans now seem to be looking to our elected politicians and federal government to provide for them their every need. This way of thinking and attitudes of many people in America today are way out of line with Gods purpose and plan for our lives.

Depending on government and growing it bigger and bigger to meet our ever demanding wants and desires have thrown us and our country way off balance from Gods original plan for us.

Dependence on government will fail you at some point all governments collapse. Dependence on politicians or any other human will eventually fail you at some point they will forsake you and leave you wanting.

If we are ever to see an answer to our personal problems and the collective problems in America we are going to have to stop our reverse trend get back on the course God planned for us and our country. We are going to have to start putting our trust is God again and moving forward with God again.

We are going to need to seek God to give us wisdom to use our own God given talents to provide our needs and the needs of our family. Using our God given talents will take us as high and as far as we desire to go in life and will always be sufficient in providing our needs.

From birth God has given us all a measure of faith to be placed in Him and talents to be used for his glory and our good.

If I knew that today was my last day on earth and I would be making my last statement to the world I have lived in for the past 72 years.

I would say it pays to love God with whole heart, mind, body and soul. It pays to trust God in every second of your life. It pays to use every talent God has given you for Gods glory and your own good.

I would say it pays to serve God every step of the way.

The rewards are a happy rich full life blessed with all you need and all that is good in life without end, because when it’s time for your departure all that you were, who you were and how you lived will live on confirming Gods love, Gods mercy and God’s grace to all.

Here it is I have shared my thoughts of today with you.
