What I am thinking today…
I am thinking how backward our society has become in today’s
We were all born into this world in the same way. We had
nothing and we owned nothing. Our earthly father took the tiny seed of life
that God created inside of him and merged it with the tiny seed of life that
God created inside of our mothers. God breathed into our tiny bodies his breath
of life and we were born tiny helpless babies dependent upon our father, our
mother and most of all God, because without His breath of life we would not
We had no other choice but to depend on father and mother
for the things we needed to sustain us for a period of our lives.
When we grew up and became men and women we were supposed to
begin depending on ourselves for what we need and on God for what we cannot
provide for ourselves.
It seems to me over the past few years that more and more
young people have become reluctant to leave the home of father and mother
continuing to depend on them. And certainly most in this generation have turned
their back on God refusing to seek Him for anything.
The majority of Americans now seem to be looking to our
elected politicians and federal government to provide for them their every
need. This way of thinking and attitudes of many people in America today are
way out of line with Gods purpose and plan for our lives.
Depending on government and growing it bigger and bigger to
meet our ever demanding wants and desires have thrown us and our country way
off balance from Gods original plan for us.
Dependence on government will fail you at some point all
governments collapse. Dependence on politicians or any other human will
eventually fail you at some point they will forsake you and leave you wanting.
If we are ever to see an answer to our personal problems and
the collective problems in America we are going to have to stop our reverse
trend get back on the course God planned for us and our country. We are going
to have to start putting our trust is God again and moving forward with God
We are going to need to seek God to give us wisdom to use
our own God given talents to provide our needs and the needs of our family.
Using our God given talents will take us as high and as far as we desire to go
in life and will always be sufficient in providing our needs.
From birth God has given us all a measure of faith to be
placed in Him and talents to be used for his glory and our good.
If I knew that today was my last day on earth and I would be
making my last statement to the world I have lived in for the past 72 years.
I would say it pays to love God with whole heart, mind, body
and soul. It pays to trust God in every second of your life. It pays to use
every talent God has given you for Gods glory and your own good.
I would say it pays to serve God every step of the way.
The rewards are a happy rich full life blessed with all you
need and all that is good in life without end, because when it’s time for your
departure all that you were, who you were and how you lived will live on
confirming Gods love, Gods mercy and God’s grace to all.
Here it is I have shared my thoughts of today with you.
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