Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The year 2013 is now dead its past is now sealed and faded from our sight

The year 2013 is now dead its past is now sealed and faded from our sight.

With its disappearance has gone our failures, blunders unwise decisions and sins that held us back.
Its true 2013 wasn’t a very good year for most of us and we are glad to leave it behind.
Thank God we are alive and stepping into this brand New Year we’ll call it 2014 and hope it offers more.
In it we’ll have brand new opportunities for us to make the choices and decisions that will help us live our lives in the right.
God has given us more time and how long we cannot tell.
 This could be the year we finish our live in heaven or end it in hell.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,                                                                        Hebrews 12:1 (NIV)
We can stop trying to control the path that we take.
And allow God to guide the steps that we make.
When we cross over the finish line we will find His way was marvelous.
As long as we have breath we have hope of this year’s mysteries to explore.
Living by the power of God’s wisdom, love and might.
And with each new day, awakening to enjoy every blessing that God has for us in store.
God has given us another year a chance to turn our lives around and if we will let Him start us moving in the right direction and traveling on His up right track.

 Walking its days hand in hand with God at years end we will find to us He has been loving, good and kind.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Heavenly Father what can I do to help save America From its self-destruction?

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

America is now corrupted with sin, evil is rampaging throughout our country it is destroying individuals, families our government has become corrupted and is leading our once great nation away from its moral foundation.

Those who really care about America’s future destination must take action now there is no time left to procrastinate, sin evil and sinful men and women must be opposed.

Good men and women must stand up and be counted we cannot sit by the wayside and hope that someone else will fix our country’s problems any longer.

God commands those who are good, not just to avoid evil but actively oppose it.

Jesus warned "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad" (Matt. 12:30). In  our fight against evil there is no middle ground, no neutral area, anyone  who is not actively and vigorously fighting against evil are helping evil to triumph.

Good and evil are the opposites of each other they can never be at peace with one another, they will always be at war with each other.

But the good news is that good will prevail over evil when good men have the courage to take a stand against it.

Do not allow evil to triumph in your lives, in your families and in your country. Do not sit by and do nothing. Stand up and be counted, speak up against evil and speak out against evil men and their sinful deeds.

We can fight evil with God’s words but it takes our action to bring the victory.

Heavenly Father what can I do to help save America

 From its self-destruction?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

We Christians were not called to condemn any person

We Christians were not called to condemn any person 

we were not called to judge anyone.

We were not called to save anyone.
Almighty God has reserved that for Himself.

But we were called to follow the example of Jesus.
We were called to be His witnesses.
We were called to live by the Holy Bible and the commandments of God that is written in it.
We were called to repent of sin and not willingly practice it in our lives.
We were called to go into the world and preach and teach the gospel of God’s love.
We were called to love God with all our heart, sole, mind and body and love each other as we love ourselves.
And we were called to love our enemies those who persecute us treat us wrongly and despitefully use us and do well to them.

We were not called to agree with the way they choose to live but to warn them in love of the consequences of living contrary to the Holy Scriptures and the will of God as written in the Bible.

Our failing to do these things will bring Gods judgment upon us.

So when you hear our testimony given in love it is not to judge and condemn because the Holy Bible has already pronounced God’s judgment and condemnation on those who reject Him and His laws and the Holy Spirit of God is the one who will carry out His will upon us all.

One can by choice refuse to listen and accept the message that we bring when we speak they can turn their eyes away from the words that we write.
They can disbelieve that there is God they can reject Him they can waste their lives away in any fashion they want.

But they cannot take away our right to freely speak, write and express our faith and belief in Jesus.
That right is given to every man woman and child by Almighty God and its only He that has any right to silence us if He chooses.
So if anyone is offended by our testimony of Jesus that is something we cannot help but we will not remain silent because our own soles are in danger of hell fire if we do.

Mark 16:15-16
King James Version (KJV)
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Monday, December 16, 2013

There is a big difference between those who love and defend freedom…from those whose purpose is to hate anyone whose opinions differ from theirs  and push for laws to stop and destroy those freedoms of others that they don’t agree with.

One seeks to find ways to help every citizen help themselves to a better life.

The other devises ways to make more citizens dependent upon government thus removing their freedoms and turning them into slaves of the government.

There is one who will with compassion and love help the poor and those in true need sharing with them from their abundance by choice and will also teach them to help themselves.

There is the other who will by taxes and force take from its citizens what is not theirs to give and waste it on programs that does not nor ever will fix the problems of the poor.

One believes that every citizen who is able should work and provide for themselves and those who truly are not should be cared for by family and church.

The other would destroy both family and church by forcing them under government control.

If America would remain an independent and free nation we who love freedom must separate the two.

We must support and defend freedom with every ounce of strength … with that same strength we must oppose the destroyers of freedom holding strong to our faith in God, our
confidence in one another and the hope that our country will hold fast the independence and freedoms that has set it apart from the nations of the world and made it a beacon of hope and freedom to all that still seek to become free and remain in its freedom.

Let us keep our eyes on the symbols of our freedom for the moment we lose sight of them we become bound again by the chains of slavery.


C.E.Lee   12162013

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)

Galatians 5:13
For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

America it’s time to repent!!!

What if Jesus had decided to visit earth in today’s modern America? Would He be anymore received and accepted than He was in Bethlehem some 2000 years ago?

What if He preached the same message of the kingdom of God and repentance of sin that He brought to the world of that time?

What if He healed the sick and performed his miracles in the people of today like He did for people of those days?

And His only requirement like it was then is that people would trust him to do it and believe that He could do it.

What if He fed the hungry people that came to Him out of His love and compassion for them?
Would He be treated any better or worse for His acts of mercy and kindness to the people?

What if He did the miracles in today’s America that He did in those days? Would He have the trust and confidence of the people more than He had in those days among the people?

Well guess what, He is still here in the presence of His Holy spirit doing those very same acts of love in the body of believers all around the world called His church.
Not many are seeing because of the blindness that has come over the world. Satan has covered the eyes and hearts of those whom he can blind folding them to the truth.

 Looking at the so called church today many in America look and act more like the rest of the world than they do a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have traded the image of God for the likeness of the world.

However there are still a very few churches in America that prove themselves to be His disciples and do reflect His image in their acts of compassion ,kindness  and love for the sinner, the sick, hungry and homeless.

And as they try to minister to their needs our own American government city state and local are passing laws to stop and hinder them from fulfilling the commandments of Jesus.

The true and faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are being harassed and persecuted in today’s America unlike any other time in our history.

Peoples love for Him has grown colder and their hearts have become more hardened against Him than any other time since the founding of the Republic of America as an independent nation.

So the answer is no Jesus would not be more received or accepted by the people of modern day America than He was so long ago.

In fact the very mention of His name in public sparks hatred among many they want to tear down any icon and stop any testimony of Him from being spoken in public places.

They want to pass laws in federal, state and local governments to block the few faithful disciples from carrying out His commandments of love among the people.

It is a sad and awful state that America has become when faithful Christians can no longer be represented in our government are forbidden to speak in public are ordered to tear down symbols of the Christian faith that have stood for many years in various places across America.

Our military branches trying to force Christian chaplains not to speak and pray in the name of Jesus.

Our Christian businesses are being ordered to do those things that are contrary to our faith and Christian beliefs.

The few remaining churches that are willing to reach out to the poor and needy hungry people of our streets feed and clothe them and offer them hope in the darkness that surrounds them.

Are being ordered by city officials to stop their acts kindness and love.

What about the day soon coming when we will all have to stand face to face with Jesus individually and as a nation to be judged by Him for the deeds done in our bodies.

Will He receive us and accept us as we are? Will it matter to Him the sins, hatred, greed, violence, sexual depravation and violence that fills our country and our lives?

Will He say come on in you good and faithful children enter into the joys I have prepared for you?

Or will we hear the angry voice of a wrathful righteous God, saying depart from my presence you wicked, ungrateful, hard hearted people unwilling to repent to the place I have prepared for the Devil and his followers?

What you hear on that day will be entirely up to you who read this post the words you hear will be determined by the decisions you make.

As it also will be for me.
I will continue each and every day to search my heart repent of sin if there is any found there by His convicting Holy Spirit and prepare myself to stand clean and upright in His glorious presence by His awesome power that lives in me.

America our time is almost up our day of grace is almost run out it is being sensed and felt in the hearts of many throughout the world that we are facing the end.

The sands in the hour glass has almost reached the bottom of the glass.

Our nation can only be spared the wrath and judgment of an angry Almighty God of the universe if it is willing to repent and turn back from the direction its now going.

 Christians who are bold enough to stand in public and speak the words of warning written in the Holy Bible concerning the consequences of sin and moral decay that is creeping into most every home in America and sweeping across our country like wildfire are fast being labeled as crazies, enemies of government and offenders subject to arrest for committing hate crimes.

To proclaim the word of God’s love and warning against wickedness and sin as recorded in the Bible in the public arena has now become a crime to be punished in America, because it might offend someone.

The cross of Christ that used to be the very symbol of Americans Christian heritage and freedom standing in public places they now want to force removal.

The Ten Commandments laws of God encouraging right living in an individual and in our society used to be displayed in public schools and government institutions across America are now forbidden to be displayed.

But none of this can tear down the warning signs and stop signs that Almighty God has erected offering in His love, mercy and grace to a lost and dying America if only we will stop, look and listen before proceeding into total point of no return. We must come back to the Christian foundation our forefathers left us or die in our sins a wicked sinful people and nation.

But that repentance must start in our homes enter into our churches and permeate our country individually one by one.

America it’s time to repent!!!

Matthew 7:21-23
New International Version (NIV)
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

C.E.Lee 12142013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Yes! I’ve got that old time religion

I’ve got that old time religion have had it for many years am satisfied in the life it gives me and I don’t ever want to lose it. I have to pray hard to keep it have to fight hard to keep it but it’s worth every ounce of strength that it takes for me to hold onto it.

It gives me peace, it gives me joy, it gives me hope its value is far beyond anything this world has to offer me.

Out of its treasures I have lived and am living a most wonderful blessed life.

And by its truths I am storing my treasures up in heaven where I will forever have access to all of the blessings that my heavenly father has prepared for me.

What is this old time religion you say?

It’s simply … trust in the words of truth written in the Holy bible, confidence in the God who created me and gave me His promise to love me with His never ending love faith in my Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill His promise of coming again to take me to my eternal home in heaven that He has gone to prepare for me.

And by its power and God’s grace I am living and will continue to live by Gods commandments in its moral teachings forsaking all sin, because Jesus died to make men holy and our heavenly Father commanded that we live in His holiness our lives in dedication to Him.

That old time religion yes! It’s the life for me the devil don’t like it, the world hates it I am persecuted for it but its rewards are worth it.

You can live by Satan’s lies, you can follow after the world’s darkness if you choose but as for me I will go on living and walking in the light of that old time religion, it’s the life for me.

I had rather obey the light of God’s word and follow the light of Jesus until I reach my eternal home than to walk in the darkness of this world and die in the darkness of sin to spend eternity in separation forever from the heavenly Father who gave me breathe and put life in this body of dust. It is not my desire to live forever where there is no peace, no joy and no hope.

Yes! I’ve got that old time religion and it’s good enough for me.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What is Christmas about?

What is Christmas about?


Christmas is about God’s gift of salvation to a lost and dead humanity.

Christmas is about God saving us from a life of insanity.


Christmas is about Jesus Christ Gods only begotten Son, our gift of His love.

Christmas is about that first Christmas day, coming down from heaven above.


Christmas is about exchanging our sins for His salvation, our dying to sin.

Born again in Jesus a new and better life to begin.


Christmas is about our receiving His marvelous gift of eternal life, His Spirit in us creating new birth.

Christmas is about our giving God our lives in service to His kingdom on earth.


We cannot celebrate Christmas in any other way.

Leaving Christ out of Christmas it would be just another worldly day.


C.E.Lee 12112013

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Yes our lives record a record that will cross over into eternity

Revelation 20:12-13
New International Version (NIV)
12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done.

REV 20:12:
"another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works."

REV 20:13:
"and they were judged every man according to their works."

Every once in a while I get in my sentimental mood and pull out the old family videos and still pictures for a look into my past.

These are bits and pieces of my life reflecting who I was and who I am they are the records of my life memories of me, my family and friends that have been a part of my life.

When I look at some I am reminded of the sad the bad and the ugly things I have experienced through the years. When I look at others my thoughts return to the good the beautiful and the wonderful things that were mine to enjoy.

Some of these videos and pictures show the old me before I met Jesus was born again into the kingdom of God and began living my life in a close relationship with my heavenly Father and His Son it is evident by the reflections captured on tape and photographic paper that none of them were very pretty pictures of how I used to live.

Perhaps I should discard and destroy them because of how they portray the ugly part of my life. But I keep them to remind me of the sinful shameful life that Jesus delivered me from and saved me out of.

As I flip through the pages of my photo albums and run the video films showing the image of the new me that emerged after my encounter that wonderful December 7,1961 night when I accepted  the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart the old me died and the birth of a new man in Christ Jesus begin to live.                     
Yes my heart leaps for joy in those times that walk down memory lane going back to view the records of my life recorded there.

My eyes fixed especially on two photographs one taken before I knew Jesus my eyes showing the pride and evil that was me as I stood holding proudly a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

The other of me standing in the pulpit of a church I once pastored my eyes brightly revealing the love of God coming forth from my heart proudly I stood my Holy Bible clutched in my hand sharing this new creation in Christ Jesus  and the word of God with my congregation.

Yes our lives record a record that will cross over into eternity. And God has a book of those records which Jesus will open and we all will be judged according to the lives we have lived on earth.

I am so glad that He loved me so much that He was willing to step down from His throne in the kingdom of heaven and come to earth to set me an example of His love by taking my punishment for my sins upon Himself and spilling His sinless blood for my salvation.

I am so glad that He sent His Holy spirit to live in me changing my sinful wicked heart into that person that you see today molding and shaping me day by day into that person worthy of eternal life in His glorious kingdom of heaven.

So as my life continues from time to time I will get out my photo albums and videos for a glimpse into my past.

But in order to see into my future I will open my Holy Bible and read of Gods promises to those who love Him and have died to sin and been born again by His Holy Spirit into new life in Jesus Christ.

C.E.Lee 11302013

Friday, November 29, 2013

How will your life’s story end?

When reading a book or viewing a movie the end is the part I like best.

I don’t like stories with sad unhappy endings I like stories that end happily ever after.


Reading my Holy Bible of all its great stories and histories of those who lived before me I like Revelation the last book and the last page because it has a happy ending and a continuing story for those who leave this world without spot or blemish because they have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus and washed in God’s word.


But it also has a sad and unhappy ending for those who choose not to have a relationship with the heavenly Father and His Son. If one has no part of Him in this world He will have no part of us in the world to come.


How will your life’s story end? Only you can answer that question.


Revelation 22:10-15

New International Version (NIV)

10 Then he told me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, because the time is near. 11 Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.”

12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

“Whoever wants to”

Luke 9:23
New International Version (NIV)
Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

Notice there is no force mentioned here but there is choice, “Whoever wants to”.

Jesus also cautioned us that following him would have some cost to us.

John 15:20
Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

Most people want something for nothing they want good deals that don’t cost them much or anything at all.

Well in order to offer us this good deal it cost God the life of His only begotten Son, it cost Jesus His sinless blood and body of flesh.

In order to save us from the lusts of our sinful bodies of flesh because of His love for us He gave His Son who never sinned to pay the price of our sins.

Jesus Gods perfect example to follow.

John 3:16 (NIV)
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

But Jesus also promised us that the rewards of following Him would far outweigh anything that we are asked to give up or any price that we would have to pay in order to follow Him.

Matthew 19:29 (NIV)
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.

This is the absolute best deal that I have seen anywhere on earth in my lifetime and I am very glad that I chose to follow Jesus some 53 years ago.

And just as Jesus said there has been a cost to me I have had to give up some things such as bad habits and things my flesh enjoyed doing, I have lost some relationships with family and friends because they choose to continue to follow the world and I chose to follow Jesus.

There are places that I can’t go there are things that I can’t do and these I do not miss.

As a Christian I have found better places to go and better things to do I no longer live with my head bowed in shame for the places I go or the things that I do because I walk not behind Him not in front of Him but  I walk side by side hand in hand with Jesus. He directs my steps and shows me the way that I should go.

If you are looking for a good deal I urge you to take God up on His offer today.

As you well know good deals are hard to find and always have a time limit with their offer.

Even so it is with Gods offer today you live and breathe and have the opportunity of choice.

Tomorrow you may not.

2 Corinthians 6:2 (KJV)

 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)

Monday, November 25, 2013

If two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for

Judy your video is very good it has blessed and encouraged me to keep looking up and keep trusting God for this little guy’s total and complete healing to be manifest for the family and the world to see. I have felt from the beginning of Joshua’s diagnosis of this devil that entered his little body that God would turn the bad into good for him and his family and that through it all God’s glory would show forth in this child’s life to bless every life having contact with him for many years ahead.

When I first received news of Joshua’s sickness the first scripture that came to my mind was,

John 11:4 (NIV)
When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”

I called Jennifer right away and gave her this verse to hold onto through her family’s trials.

I always take God at His word and believe His promises and leave the outcome and the way He fulfills His word up to Him.

Jesus said,
Matthew 18:19 (NIV) “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

Many people now know of little Joshua and our desire for his total and complete healing there is many, many more than two agreeing with his family for God to fulfill His promise in his little life.

Let us all continue to bless God by our faith as we see God’s word confirmed in Joshua’s body.

I say again your video is so anointed that it has stirred my heart with joy and filled my eyes with tears.
God bless you and keep using your talents for His glory.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

America once stood one nation under God.

America once stood one nation under God.
America once put their trust in God.
America once lived under the grace and blessings of God.

Now we have become a nation far from God.
A nation in rebellion against God.
A nation rejecting God.
A nation separated from God by our continuous desire for sin and wickedness.
A nation under the curse of God.
A nation facing the wrath and righteous judgment of God.

It is we who have turned our backs upon God.
It is we who have traded our blessings for curse.
It is we who have plunged America into the most troubled times of our history.
It is we who have changed America’s destiny from the hope and light of the world.
It is we who have taken this once great highly blessed and prosperous nation and thrown it into darkness and despair.
It is we who are destroying and killing the last refuge of freedom on earth.

And it is only we the American people who can raise America from its death bed and certain death as followed other great nations of world history that chose to rebel, reject, and turn away from the Father of all life.
Certain death or restored life Gods continued blessings or His curse, judgment and wrath against a rebellious degenerate nation.

Yes Americas salvation or Americas death is entirely in our hands one or two or a few will not restore its life our whole nation must become humble ,repent turn back to God and follow Gods laws if we are to return to the great nation that we once was.

It is not God who has changed our nation to what is now.
It is we who have forgotten God and rejected His guidance and brought our nation to the brink devastation.
God is still the same, His love for us is still the same, His great mercy and grace is still reaching out to us and He has put our nation’s salvation in our hands

By acting or not acting upon this one verse of scripture we will determine the life or death of our nation.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Almighty God Father of all life. Hear the prayers of this man and grant me to see your mercy and grace extended a while longer upon America the country that I love.
We once were a nation that loved you lived by your laws and trusted you to bless us with prosperity and protect us from all enemies.
Now we are a nation that has enslaved ourselves in the shackles of our sins and we have allowed our minds to think only evil continually.
Because of our wickedness we as a nation are not the light of the gospel of God anymore and can no longer offer hope, liberty freedom and justice to those who would escape to our shores.
We can no longer cry out “Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free..."

Jesus you said, No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.            ( John 6:44 (NIV)
Heavenly Father, please forgive us and our nation for our gross sins which are many, humble the proud and strengthen the weak that we may all repent and turn our hearts in love to you.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you will open the eyes of the blind give sight to them that can’t see, open the ears of the deaf that they can hear and bring conviction to the hearts of men women and children of America that will convince them to return to you and your good and just laws.
Our Heavenly Father please be merciful to our nation and its people and restore us to the beacon that once shined from coast to coast declaring one nation under God the home of the brave the land of the free.
Psalm 85:6 (NIV)
Will you not revive us again,that your people may rejoice in you?

Blessed Heavenly Father I ask this prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ through whose sacrificed blood and body you have allowed me access to your Heavenly throne.

C.E.Lee   11242013

Saturday, November 23, 2013

As I think this Thanksgiving season of what is most important to me. I think for me it is to live free.

As I think this Thanksgiving season of what is most important to me.
I think for me it is to live free.

I thank my God for allowing me to be born in America where I can live my dreams, fulfill  my heart’s desire and become all that I want to be.

But just as in the Garden of Eden that God gave Adam, the devil has come to America showing his ugly face.
He is a thief, a killer, a destroyer of the human race.
But one thing he can’t steal is God’s mercy and grace.

I know that the thief has come to steal and has taken many of my freedoms away imposing on me his forceful will.
The thief has come to America his only purpose to destroy, kill and steal.

But this one thing I know for sure.
There is coming a day when the thief will steal from me no more.
Because my Lord Jesus Christ is the one who guards my door.

When I was a young man the thief tried to steal my life away And much of it due to the foolishness of my choices I lost.
But God sent a savior to purchase it back and my life was bought at great cost.

Giving His blood and body of flesh He died for me from the bondage of my sins setting me free.
God was not willing that I live in slavery to my sins but new life in Jesus He gave to me.

So it is my freedom this Thanksgiving day that I cherish the most.
And this is protected by the Heavenly Father, the Son and Holy Ghost.
C.E.Lee  11232013

Romans 6:23 (KJV)
 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Satan’s purpose is to steal our lives away, kill us and destroy all that God wants us to be and have.

John 10:10 (KJV)

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Will we let our nation die?

These days many are thinking another civil war to restore Americas lost freedoms.

But doesn’t it make more sense to think and pray for civil revival.

To return people to God whom they have rejected and restore Americas lost morals that they have abandoned.

Many are looking for horrendous disaster and planning and preparing for survival.

But wouldn’t it be better if we would pray and seek a return to God a national revival.

That would return His mercy and grace and turn away His wrath on a sinful wicked nation.
And grant to us His wondrous salvation.

We can’t change our past that’s all gone away. We can’t remove our decisions that have brought us into today.

But we can change our future and that will take us into a more blessed day.

The sensible thing for us to do is humble ourselves before the face of God, obey His word, repent of our destructive ways and let God determine the future of our coming days.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

America is dying the evidence is seen every where
In order to restore its health its citizens must bow their knees in prayer.

We are on the brinks of another civil war.
And much heartache suffering and pain is in store.

Our time is running out a decision we must soon make.
The continued life of our nation is at stake.

The choice of two is before us which one will we take?
Only one will save us the other will be our end.
It is very important our hearts to God we must bend.

Will we let our nation die?
Or will we humble ourselves before Almighty God and for His mercy will we cry?

Civil War or Surrender to God. Which one will it be the choice is up to you and me?