Saturday, December 14, 2013

America it’s time to repent!!!

What if Jesus had decided to visit earth in today’s modern America? Would He be anymore received and accepted than He was in Bethlehem some 2000 years ago?

What if He preached the same message of the kingdom of God and repentance of sin that He brought to the world of that time?

What if He healed the sick and performed his miracles in the people of today like He did for people of those days?

And His only requirement like it was then is that people would trust him to do it and believe that He could do it.

What if He fed the hungry people that came to Him out of His love and compassion for them?
Would He be treated any better or worse for His acts of mercy and kindness to the people?

What if He did the miracles in today’s America that He did in those days? Would He have the trust and confidence of the people more than He had in those days among the people?

Well guess what, He is still here in the presence of His Holy spirit doing those very same acts of love in the body of believers all around the world called His church.
Not many are seeing because of the blindness that has come over the world. Satan has covered the eyes and hearts of those whom he can blind folding them to the truth.

 Looking at the so called church today many in America look and act more like the rest of the world than they do a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have traded the image of God for the likeness of the world.

However there are still a very few churches in America that prove themselves to be His disciples and do reflect His image in their acts of compassion ,kindness  and love for the sinner, the sick, hungry and homeless.

And as they try to minister to their needs our own American government city state and local are passing laws to stop and hinder them from fulfilling the commandments of Jesus.

The true and faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are being harassed and persecuted in today’s America unlike any other time in our history.

Peoples love for Him has grown colder and their hearts have become more hardened against Him than any other time since the founding of the Republic of America as an independent nation.

So the answer is no Jesus would not be more received or accepted by the people of modern day America than He was so long ago.

In fact the very mention of His name in public sparks hatred among many they want to tear down any icon and stop any testimony of Him from being spoken in public places.

They want to pass laws in federal, state and local governments to block the few faithful disciples from carrying out His commandments of love among the people.

It is a sad and awful state that America has become when faithful Christians can no longer be represented in our government are forbidden to speak in public are ordered to tear down symbols of the Christian faith that have stood for many years in various places across America.

Our military branches trying to force Christian chaplains not to speak and pray in the name of Jesus.

Our Christian businesses are being ordered to do those things that are contrary to our faith and Christian beliefs.

The few remaining churches that are willing to reach out to the poor and needy hungry people of our streets feed and clothe them and offer them hope in the darkness that surrounds them.

Are being ordered by city officials to stop their acts kindness and love.

What about the day soon coming when we will all have to stand face to face with Jesus individually and as a nation to be judged by Him for the deeds done in our bodies.

Will He receive us and accept us as we are? Will it matter to Him the sins, hatred, greed, violence, sexual depravation and violence that fills our country and our lives?

Will He say come on in you good and faithful children enter into the joys I have prepared for you?

Or will we hear the angry voice of a wrathful righteous God, saying depart from my presence you wicked, ungrateful, hard hearted people unwilling to repent to the place I have prepared for the Devil and his followers?

What you hear on that day will be entirely up to you who read this post the words you hear will be determined by the decisions you make.

As it also will be for me.
I will continue each and every day to search my heart repent of sin if there is any found there by His convicting Holy Spirit and prepare myself to stand clean and upright in His glorious presence by His awesome power that lives in me.

America our time is almost up our day of grace is almost run out it is being sensed and felt in the hearts of many throughout the world that we are facing the end.

The sands in the hour glass has almost reached the bottom of the glass.

Our nation can only be spared the wrath and judgment of an angry Almighty God of the universe if it is willing to repent and turn back from the direction its now going.

 Christians who are bold enough to stand in public and speak the words of warning written in the Holy Bible concerning the consequences of sin and moral decay that is creeping into most every home in America and sweeping across our country like wildfire are fast being labeled as crazies, enemies of government and offenders subject to arrest for committing hate crimes.

To proclaim the word of God’s love and warning against wickedness and sin as recorded in the Bible in the public arena has now become a crime to be punished in America, because it might offend someone.

The cross of Christ that used to be the very symbol of Americans Christian heritage and freedom standing in public places they now want to force removal.

The Ten Commandments laws of God encouraging right living in an individual and in our society used to be displayed in public schools and government institutions across America are now forbidden to be displayed.

But none of this can tear down the warning signs and stop signs that Almighty God has erected offering in His love, mercy and grace to a lost and dying America if only we will stop, look and listen before proceeding into total point of no return. We must come back to the Christian foundation our forefathers left us or die in our sins a wicked sinful people and nation.

But that repentance must start in our homes enter into our churches and permeate our country individually one by one.

America it’s time to repent!!!

Matthew 7:21-23
New International Version (NIV)
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

C.E.Lee 12142013

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