Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Unbelief is the sin that pulls us under

When I was a young man of about 26 years old me my wife and our two children were with my brother in law and his family on his pontoon boat enjoying a beautiful summer day cruising the Ohio River.

I decided to take a swim so I leaped off the boat into the water I floated a few feet from the boat the river seemed to be calm. I swam out a little further and suddenly the water was swirling under my body pulling me under the current was so strong that my every stroke did nothing to lift me above its force.

I was being sucked under I was screaming for help but the folks on the boat either could not hear me or thought I was just having fun.

I was going under and struggling to keep my head above water my physical strength was giving out I had no one to help me. I cried out Jesus help me and suddenly I felt as if I was being carried back to the pontoon. My brother in law Jim helped me to get back on the boat while I was praising God for saving me from drowning and letting me live.

I will never forget that day it is locked into my mind forever I learned a very important lesson that day.  I have lived my life by it every day since. When I have a serious problem I put my trust in Jesus and throughout these many years that He has let me live He has never failed to come to my aid many times even before I know  that I am in trouble and need His help.

It is faith in the word and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That makes the difference of whether we fall and are crushed under the circumstances of our lives.

Or rise and stand above them.

Unbelief is the sin that pulls us under.

Faith in Jesus is the assurance that His power will lift us above every obstacle and circumstance that would destroy us.

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