Sunday, April 28, 2013

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge

The state of our country today we are in more danger of losing our independence and freedom than at any other time in our history.
There have been more attacks on our constitution and Bill of rights in the last few years than ever before. The enemies of our freedoms are fierce and relentless in their desire to rewrite our constitution and abolish our Bill of rights.

The battle is raging across America’s community’s cities, and states we are no longer a United States but have become divided states. There is a civil war of words being fought for the control of our country about 50% of our population wants to hold on to our moral standards and keep the old fashioned faith in God honesty and integrity that once held our country together and made it the greatest nation in the world. While the other 50% desires to live in degradation lies and immoral practices that disgrace our nation before the world and stir up the wrath of God upon our country.
There are more criminal ungodly men and women holding positions of leadership in high political offices in our cities, states and federal government than ever before. So the battles rage in the house and senate state and local offices almost constantly over who will prevail.

Fact tells us that when wars are fought there are winners and there are losers when people go to battle there is going to be winners and losers many times in wars fought everyone loses and there are no winners.

I believe that when a country is divided against its self the way we are ,you know the old saying united we stand divided we fall if we continue in this division much longer I believe we will join all the great kingdoms of the past who allowed these same things that are happening in America to destroy them.  Only a united moral, honest people of integrity and faith in almighty God can ever hope to stand strong in battle and know that by the power of God our nation can win this war.
Just as the Holy Bible mentions the greater prophets and the Minor Prophets some were well known and some were hardly known but all brought a message of warning to their generations.

I suppose you could call me among the minor messengers I am not well known except by a few who know me personally. When I post my thoughts not many read not many hear not many take heed to what I have to say in fact most of the time I feel like John the Baptist must have felt when it was said of him that he was a voice crying in the wilderness.

I do love God I do love my country I do love its people and by the wisdom that God has given me I know of certain that unless Americas citizens hear the warning and take heed to its message that God is sending by many messengers both small and great. America is going to take its place among all the other great nations of history that failed to respond to the voice of reason.

Hosea 4:6 (NIV)
6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God,
I also will ignore your children.

I do know that if American citizens ever allow our constitution to be re written and our Bill of rights to be abolished by the enemies of our freedom. If we allow them to take away our Bill of rights and continue to rip away our constitution.

If we ever agree to let the United Nations control our laws and our country if we ever agree to a world government.
Then we have voluntarily given up our independence we have surrendered our freedoms given us by Almighty God.
And the loss of these would mean the loss of our great country.  So many of our ancestors fought and died throughout the generations to preserve for us.

We have enjoyed America’s freedom during our life time a precious gift from God and our forefathers who lived before us.

Most of us have not had to pay much for the freedoms we enjoy today the price has been paid by our young men and women of our military services who many have given the ultimate price of their lives and many have come from battle with loss of limbs and health laying their lives down so that the rest of us could live in freedom without cost.
Now we have many enemies of our freedoms among our own people internally at work in our nation trying their best to destroy all that these young men and women both in our generation and in the past gave their all to preserve for us.

I ask the question, do we want to sit back and watch while our nation loses all that was given us by those brave souls who spilled their blood to allow us to keep our freedoms and way of life?
Like I said, it hasn’t cost most of us much to retain our freedoms but if we sit idle and let them be taken from us. We shall pay a great price for our lack of action.

Remember the old saying that has been repeated many times over, Freedom is not free its cost is great but the cost of losing it will be much greater.

Our greatest enemies are demon spirits that control high places. And our only weapons against them are the Holy Word of God and prayer. The battle is raging Satan knows his time is short.
Prayer and the word of God are the only weapons that will defeat them. These are the days that the people of God must pray without ceasing and fast often for victory.

Fighting the human side of our battle requires us to use every weapon of the flesh that we have at our disposal. Each of you will know what you can use best in fighting the war to keep our country and its freedoms. Perhaps it is your position in the church or business cell phone, Facebook, twitter etc. that allows you to have a platform for educating and warning people of the perils that our nation is facing.

As for me I have chosen to use the word processor the computer the internet and the thoughts that my God puts in my heart and mind. Along with prayer and fasting and the word of God that cannot fail.
I am an old man but my heart is still strong my mind is sober and I still have a tongue to speak I have ears to hear and eyes to see and during my years God has given me wisdom to share and a message of hope to deliver.

Whatever it takes whatever is available we must use. We must take some kind of action now there is no more time to tarry we must hold fast to the faith of our forefathers and the liberty and freedom they left us to protect and preserve for our children and their children.
We must win this war that threatens the destruction of our great nation. Losing is not an option because once freedom is lost the only alternative is slavery.

Ephesians 6:12 (NIV)
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Proverbs 29:18 (NIV)
18 Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint;but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.
God save America!

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