Thursday, August 8, 2013

God’s purpose for us is to praise God

I look at today’s church and I see that the mega churches seem to be thriving with membership while the small churches have very little in attendance. It seems to me that those congregations who have the most money to spend attract the most members while the little ones struggle to pay the bills.

I think that it is not the numbers of people who attend church meetings that count for anything but rather the quality of them.

I think we Christians of this age have strayed from our original purpose we have become such hard workers for the church that we spend our time and money devising plans for getting people into church and filling the pews. We have forgotten what’s really important they need to be saved first.

The reason that our churches have lost their testimony and have become of non-effect to the world around us is that the world around us can no longer see any difference between the church and themselves.
The sins and wickedness that are seen outside the church are seen inside of most of the churches today.
How can the church be an influence for good if the same greed, lust, hatred, and corruption are seen in most churches as seen in the world?

How can anyone be converted from their sins and be saved if the messengers have distorted the message of Jesus and reduced the Holy Bible scriptures to a message of comfort that tickles the ears of the hearers and allows them to feel comfortable in their sins?

I think it’s time for Pastors and church congregations to stop working so hard to fill the pews that kind of labor only stresses and burns the life out of it. I think it’s time to forget about all the money a large congregation can bring in and the greed that comes with it.

It is not a matter of our having more money and bigger congregations at our church meetings so that we can do more for God but rather us having more of God so that we can be the effective witness of God’s love mercy and grace that He requires of us.

God doesn’t require us to fill the church houses but He does require us to live lives of praise to Him to live Holy and acceptable lives to Him in the place where He has put each of us to bear witness of Him.
Jesus died on a cross a cruel sinners death He being not guilty of any sin so that we could be saved from our sins to live a righteous life in Him.

The only thing that God requires of us is that we live in faithfulness to Him and His Word.
He did not call any of us to go out into the world and save anybody but He did call us to go into the entire world and be His witnesses.

In today’s world no one is convinced by what we say but rather how we live.
If we really want to see the lives of our fellow citizens changed and saved and living new lives in Jesus.
Let us live our lives so close to Jesus that they can see Him in us let us do the only thing that He has ever called any of us to do let us live a life of praise to God and then those around us will have no tangible excuse to deny Him.

Besides this not everyone will be saved the mega churches may be full but many of them shouldn’t be there it’s their presence that is destroying the churches integrity.

If we will do our part and allow God to do His part then those who should be saved will be added to the church by the power of God using the example of our lives as witness to His great power to save.
God’s purpose for us is to praise God; Gods purpose is to save them that should be saved.

'Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.' - Acts 2:47 (KJV)

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