Thursday, January 9, 2014

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice

Proverbs 29:2 (KJV)

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

Proverbs 28:12 (NIV)
12 When the righteous triumph, there is great elation;
    but when the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding.

Anyone who has lived through the 1940’s and 1950’s and has studied the true history of America from its founding until today. Anyone who is old enough to have seen several presidents, congresses and Supreme Court justices come and go during these time periods.
Will also have seen that we have had some good leaders and we have had some bad ones.
But it took us until 2008 to elect what most people now see and believe to be the absolute worst president and congress that we have ever had in America.
America has had nearly 238 years of electing leaders and sending them to Washington to represent the people of this great country.
We have come a long way from President George Washington to Barack Obama and look at where we are today.
We have regressed from a nation whose leaders were God fearing leading us to freedom, liberty and dependence upon God for maintaining and keeping that freedom.
Now we are a nation in rebellion against God having no fear of God having our liberties and freedoms repressed by a group in government control who are trying with every day that they hold office to destroy our constitution, bill of rights and remove God and His laws which our great country was founded upon replacing them with their own laws that restrain our freedom and liberty.
We have become a nation of infidels rushing to satisfy our greed and lust in our flesh with every immoral thing that we can imagine.
We have forgotten that the Father of all life created us both spirit and flesh and commanded us to live in the spirit.
Galatians 5:16 (KJV)
16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
In the beginning of our great country its peoples and its leaders lived One Nation under God guided by the influence of the Holy Bible being led by the Holy Spirit of God.
Because of this we were the most blessed protected nation in the world our enemies feared us and the oppressed of the world risked their lives fleeing to America the land of the free the home of the brave.
Not so anymore because we as a nation have chosen leaders whose heart is not toward God our country has declared itself to no longer be a Christian nation we stagger to and fro reaping the consequences of our sins.
America today is rejecting the blessings of God and choosing to live under the judgment of His wrath and curse.
Our forefathers founded and built this great nation on their faith in God establishing its foundation on the Holy Bible and seeking God’s guidance to make it a beacon of light in this dark and sinful world.
Now our light has gone out there is only a slight glimmer of light left in a very few people who know what America used to be, what it was established to be and what it should remain to be in this world.
Our nation is killing itself committing suicide dying daily in its sins our only hope is in repenting, returning to God and bringing back the morals taught by the ten commandments.
This must start with individuals spread through family’s communities, citys, states and end up in the elected officials of our Whitehouse.
This is called revival and without it America is doomed to self-destruction.
Study closely the lives of every American leader we have put in charge of leading our nation and you will see that the good ones who had good moral character those who proved their love by example for God, Family and Americas citizens brought blessings from God upon our country and we were able to rejoice in the goodness of God.
Compare that with the bad ones we have elected to our shame and hurt and given charge of the highest position in our nation.
From these come disrespect from world leaders, weakness in America’s strength, heartache and suffering among America’s citizens.
These kind have encouraged moral decay, divided our peoples and brought our nation to shame among the nations of world.
No longer do we see the blessings of God that He once showered down upon us because we have been led into rebellion against God and encouraged by certain laws passed in our congress and forced upon the American peoples by those bad leaders that we voted into political positions.
The joy has been stolen from America there is nothing coming from Washington that causes us to rejoice.
And none of this can be fixed until we wake up and elect good, righteous God fearing, God loving men and women of true moral character who love America and Americas family’s.
I know that we have this thing about no religion expressed in our elected officials but don’t you think we were far better off when good men and women who love God, family and country were in charge?
You see loving Almighty God is not religion expecting our leaders to live by good moral standards and lead our nation by those standards is not forcing religion upon our peoples but rather it is bringing the blessings of God upon our nation and causing our peoples to have something to rejoice about instead mourning over its fast approaching death and the consequences we are going to have to pay for choosing bad leaders.
This is my opinion you may like it or not like it you may take it to heart or be skeptical you have a right to your own opinion.
The Holy scriptures confirm that what I have written is correct. The history of our country and its leaders prove that I am correct. All one has to do to confirm for themselves is to look at the years of our blessings and compare them with the years that we have lived under the curse and it all relates to the leaders we have chosen and what we have allowed them to do to our country and its people.
Do we want to live under God’s blessing or do we want to continue under His curse?
If we want His blessings then we are going to have to vote for and elect righteous men and women to be our leaders.
Of course if we like the way it is going and we are satisfied with living under the curse of God instead of His blessings then by all means continue on.
But if we want America to be restored to the America that God established it to be then we are going to have to repent, return to the love for God that we once had individually and nationally.
We are going to have to start choosing our leaders wisely by examining their moral character and their love for God. Instead of what they promise us for free nothing in this world is free it always cost somebody. The only thing that I know of that is totally free is God’s offer to freely save us and yet that cost God the life’s blood of His only begotten Son.
Continuing to elect bad leaders will cost us our country. Electing good leaders will give us abundant blessings.
I have given you my answer to America’s problems. I have encouraged you to take a look at what America once was and compare it to what America is today.
Even in the corporate world bad leaders in charge of corporations will kill and destroy the company’s they manage.
Can America take much more of the kind of management that it has had for the past few years and continue to stand?

I know the answer but I will leave you to answer that question for yourselves.

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