Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Did you know that there is a better healthcare plan than Obamacare?

Did you know that there is a better healthcare plan than Obamacare?   It is offered without cost to you the price has been paid in full for life by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.   Its benefits are never ending and it will not be cancelled or dropped so long as you follow the instructions in the policy manual (Holy Bible).   

However you will pay a penalty for not accepting it like you do for not accepting Obamacare.   With Obamacare you will pay a high premium rate in dollars for signing on and a high tax in dollars for refusing to sign on.   But the plan I am talking about is not forced on you, you have the freewill to choose and it will cost you nothing but to repent of your sins and follow God’s path of righteousness.  

However rejecting God’s plan will cost you your soul in damnation of hell for eternity and that is a pretty big price to pay.

But it will give you coverage for all you need in this life and it will provide paradise for you in eternity.   Only foolish people would turn down God’s good plan for a man made plan forced on you by government that will cost you not only your money but will provide you less coverage and many times no coverage for certain illnesses and surgeries.   And it will not be guaranteed for life when the taxpayer money runs out and government can’t cover you, you will be dropped and your coverage cancelled.   Because nothing man does will last very long and will always fail at some point.

I and my family have had God’s care plan for many years now and we have never been disappointed with the coverage that has always been there for us when we needed it.   Whether it is a health problem, financial problem or any other kind of problem we are covered and God has never let us down.   He is always there when we call upon Him to answer our need and sometimes He even gives us miracles to supply that need.

We don’t trust any other kind of coverage offered by human ideas and plans.   But we do trust the God of our creation because over these years He has proven His faithfulness to us in so many ways.
We do have the absolute best healthcare.   Why don’t you give God’s plan a try and enjoy the peace of mind of having good healthcare coverage?

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