Thursday, August 20, 2015

Are you Ready?

The one most important fact and event that happens in all of our lives.   There is absolutely no escaping this event for any of us!   We are all born to die from the day of our birth the countdown to our death begins.

Most live out their time just existing day to day wasting every precious moment sinning their gift of time away.   We can have no life until we have died.   We must die to sin in order to live in Jesus.    And no one really lives apart from God and His Holy Spirit.   A person can breathe by the grace of God and have a miserable existence until death claims their body.   But to live, really live a person can only do that in Jesus Christ the Lord.   We can die one of two ways but there is only one way we can die and yet live.   We can die to sin by repenting of our sins and turning away from our sins never to live in them anymore, be born again in the Holy Ghost of God to live a new life in the spirit and power of Jesus Christ the Lord.
Or we can continue to exist in our sins allowing them to destroy our mind, body and soul in death and after that suffer the consequences of our sins in eternal hell fire which God prepared for Satan and the sinning angels that follow him.   They have no choice their destiny in hell is sealed.

We humans are the only part of God’s creation that He gives mercy and grace to choose life or death heaven or hell.
We can choose to die in our sins or to live in Jesus. 

 I personally  choose to live in Jesus.   I am dead to sin but very much alive in Jesus Christ my Lord and savior.   “   For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”   Philippians 1:21

If you are reading this post and watching this video you are faced with a decision that is a life or death matter.   What is your choice?   What will you do with the truth you see here?
Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life.   God said it not me,” Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”   John 14:6
What will you do with Jesus?

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