The days declare the end is coming Jesus is returning
in our time and He is coming quickly, suddenly as a thief in the night. You will have no time to prepare for His
coming after He appears you must be prepared and ready to meet the Lord in the
You must understand that being a true Christian is
more than just tossing the name of Jesus around a few times while you go
through the motion of speaking his name and having a form of religious worship. It is more than attending a church group
every week where you are entertained in your flesh by a church choir or band of
musicians who have practiced for hours just to make the perfect performance for
you. It is more than sitting for an
hour and a half listening to a charismatic modern day speaker sell you positive
thinking messages of how to get anything and everything from God you want. While leaving out the fact that you must
repent of your sins, turn from your sinning, your old sinful heart must die to
your desire to sin, you must be born again in the newness of the image of Jesus
Christ and you must have a new sin free heart to live and walk in His Holy Spirit
Every day and hour you must be able through Him and
His power in you to bear your cross for Him as He carried His for you.
These charismatic modern day messengers of the lies of
Satan and the doctrines of men will never tell you that you must become so in
love with Jesus whose name you mention only once in a while when you pray for
something you want from God, they will not warn you of the dangers of your dyeing
in your sins and going to a devils hell fire for all eternity.
Theirs is a modern day philosophy one world order all
are equal, politically correct no feelings hurt everybody live it the way you
feel it all-inclusive everybody is going to heaven doctrine of all roads lead
to heaven and none to hell.
Jesus never preached a once saved always saved modern
thinking gospel of comfort in your sins and having everything you want to pleasure
your flesh from God. He preached the old fashioned word of God
suffering for the cause of Christ and the word of God, repent be born again of
the Holy Ghost or perish in your sins was His message and still is.
He preached that we must love God deeply with our
whole heart, mind, body and soul and have His Holy Spirit living in us guiding
us to live by every word spoken by the mouth of God. We cannot rely on the doctrines of men and
the lusts of our flesh to give us endurance in this war of Satan against our bodies
and souls.
In order to be saved so that we can overcome the hard
severe tempting, trials, testing’s and tribulations of Satan and our own flesh and
endure to the end. We must know Jesus
and have a very personal relationship with Him. Calling yourself Christian and practicing
religion will not be enough for it will not get you victory over Satan, sin,
death and hell and into God’s heaven.
So are you really ready for the coming of Jesus? Perhaps you say you are a Christian and
because you say it that makes you ready but I ask are you ready? Is it possible for a Christian to miss the
calling up of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ? Is it possible for a Christian to fall by
the wayside lose their love for God and be deceived and defeated by the forces
of evil.
I think yes.
Why do I think yes?
Because Jesus warned us that in the last days false Christs,
false teachers and false prophets would arise in the church and would deceive many. He said because of the love for sin the love
of many would become cold.
Sin in our lives will never give us power to overcome
Satan and the world in fact sin will work the very opposite it will have power
over us and keep us under the control of Satan defeating us in every way until
it completely destroys us in this world and in the world to come separates us
from God forever.
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false
prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were
possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
Matthew 24:24
“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall
be saved.” Matthew 24:13
“Jesus said, “And because iniquity
shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12
The hardest task for preachers of the true full gospel
of the Lord Jesus Christ in today’s generation of luke warm, cold backslidden
Christians is to preach the truth to them.
They have believed so many lies and false doctrines of
men and devils that their hearts have become so hardened to the truth that they
can’t handle the truth when they hear it.
Satan is so successful at twisting the truth of Holy
Scriptures and deceiving them with half-truths and lies concerning God’s word
that many who profess themselves to be Christians are a greater threat and enemy
to the true church of Jesus Christ and the men and women having the true call
of God upon them. Religious Christians
are bigger threat to the preaching of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ than atheists
and unbelievers.
It is so much easier to preach the gospel to unbelievers,
agnostics and atheists than it is to preach to those Christians caught up in half-truths
and lies concerning the Holy Scriptures.
It is the hardest thing in the world to instruct or
warn those who have just a little knowledge of the Scriptures and won’t bother
to seek out the truth of them for themselves.
So many professing Christians in today’s world love
the world and the sins of it more than God that they have no room in their
heart to love God, study His word, obey His instructions or truly follow Jesus.
They had rather listen to the voice of Satan and his
little demon spirits who follow him than to hear the voice of God speaking from
His holy word and the Holy Spirit of God speaking from the lips of His called,
sanctified anointed pastors and preachers instructing them and warning them to
be careful who they believe and follow.
They had rather question the word of God in obedience
to that little voice of Satan who first enters their mind with his words of
doubt and then fills their heart with it,” Yea, hath God said”. Concerning
something that God said was sin and abomination in His sight and warns us all
to stay away from because the wages of sin is death.
It is not a matter of ye hath God said it is a matter
yes God commands.
“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the
field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God
said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” Genesis 3:1
Every time God says, “Come out from among them be separate
from them and don’t touch that unclean thing He means it!
“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye
separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will
receive you,” 2 Corinthians 6:17
There is no room for compromise, inclusion or
acceptance of what God says is sin and abomination in His sight. There is only God’s command to observe and
obey His laws of righteousness or perish in our sins.
“Therefore I said to you that you will die in your
sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your
sins." John 8:24
God recognizes no political correctness no equality
with sin. When it comes to sinners God
is not concerned about whether He hurts our feelings, God through His Holy
Spirit warns us all convicts us all of sin and commands repentance, turning
away from and separating ourselves from sin which leads to wickedness and in
the end death and eternal punishment of the wicked soul in a devils lake of
hell fire.
Jesus warned us to beware of false Christs, false teachers,
false preachers and false prophets that would be numerous and very challenging
to the truth of His gospel in the last days.
There are many voices flowing through our ears many
doctrines being expounded to us and God leaves it up to us to determine the
truth from the lies Jesus warns us not to be deceived.
We had better read and search the Holy Scriptures for
ourselves measuring everything we hear and see with God’s word. We had better be keen in listening for the
voice of the Holy Ghost for it is He who will teach us and interpret the word
of God to us only through the written word.
It is He who will reveal the truth to us and expose the lies and the
God sends preachers and prophets to warn and encourage
from the Holy Scriptures, He sends pastors to feed and nourish His church with
His word. They are never sent to
interpret it from their own view point or form their own doctrines or opinions from
it only to preach it.
God wrote the Holy Bible and only the Holy Ghost can
and will interpret it to those who sincerely read it and search out its truths
for themselves.
In reality there are only two kinds
of people in this world.
There is God hating world loving, sin
loving, truth hating people so caught up in the ways and pleasures of this
world that they have no room for God in their lives and don’t want anything to
do with him.
There is people who call themselves
Christians but they are cold,luke warm, world loving, sin loving pleasure seeking
confessing God with their mouths but their hearts are hardened against His word
and they are far from Him and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, “And because iniquity
shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12
Brothers and sisters the Holy
Scriptures warn us that our God is a very Jealous God He will not allow us to
share our love with sin and the world.
He commands us to love Him with our whole heart, mind, body and soul and
keep all His righteous laws and commandments which are good to the saving of
our souls.
ye love me, keep my commandments.” John
Seeing then that there is only two kinds of people we
can be and that we are in one group or the other.
We are either living the truth or living the lie. We love God and hate sin or we love sin and
hate God.
We cannot love both and live in the way of both.
“Love not the world, neither the things that are
in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in
him.” 1 John 2:15
The lives we
live daily will testify of which group we are part of we cannot fool the world
for the world knows its own, we cannot fool Satan for Satan knows whom he has
deceived with his lies.
And we cannot fool God because He knows our heart
better than anyone.
We only fool ourselves if we think we can live double
lives for we cannot serve two masters we will love the one and hate the other or
we will be devoted to the one we love the most.
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate
the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Matthew 6:24
It is time we search our own heart and arrive at the
answer of which group we live in, whose we are and whom we worship and serve.
Prophets, pastors, preachers and teachers called by
God sanctified by the will of God, anointed by the power of His Holy Spirit can
only warn us of the consequences of listening to Satan’s lies and doctrines of
men they cannot determine the condition of our heart for they cannot see inside
of us.
But know that God sees the heart of every living soul
nothing is hid from Him.
When we come
down to the end of this life’s journey and by the fact that we are all eternal
living souls created by God to live forever in one place or the other and there
is also only two places for us to go after death.
Heaven or hell.
And our decision of which group we choose to live in
on earth will very much determine where we live in eternity.
If your journey were to end right now where would you
go? Only you can make that decision.
I made mine many years ago and have never regretted
the decision to follow Jesus that I made and it is that choice that keeps me
enduring today.
Be assured on
the other side of the grave God will make His decision based upon your decision
and He will give you your eternity according to which group you have lived your
life with and in and by your choices you have made.
Backsliding Christian it is time for your return to
God it is time for you to lay down your sins take up your cross daily and
follow Jesus.
It is time for revival in your life!!!
In the words of a great man of God who preached the
word of God like it is written.
William Ashley
"Billy" Sunday
(November 19, 1862 – November 6, 1935) was an American athlete who, after being
a popular outfielder in baseball's National League during the 1880s, became the most
celebrated and influential American evangelist during the first two decades of the
20th century.
“A revival does two things. First it returns the
Church from her backsliding and second, it causes the conversion of men and women;
and it always includes the conviction of sin on the part of the Church. What a spell
the devil seems to cast over the Church today!” (Billy Sunday)
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