None of us know
at this time where our journey through this new year 2019 is going to lead
neither do we know what lies ahead of us whether shadows to humble us or sunshine
to brighten our travel or refreshing spiritual rain blessed showers of God’s
blessings, there may be a few storms lightning strikes to shake us up a bit to
put the fear of God back in us and cause us to realize more than ever that we
have almighty God creator of the universe and everything in it who is still in
control of His creation and always will be in control.
We may find
ourselves walking through or be thrown into a few fires to test our faith and burn
out things still remaining in us that keeps us from the purification of soul,
mind and body that God requires of us before we reach our final destination of
We know most certainly that much tempting will
be before us for Satan and human flesh we dwell in are deadly enemies to our
body and soul they are relentless in their desire to steal, kill and destroy
the good that God has put in His human creatures and as long as we live and
breathe there will be battles for us to fight until the war is over for us and
we are safely secured in heaven.
We know that if
we remain faithful to God in true obedience of Holy Scriptures if we bear our
cross daily in following Jesus as He leads the way that we should go then most
certainly Satan his demon spirit followers and evil minded humans possessed of
them are going to attack us usually in some manner shape or form each and every
We know Satan’s
desire to destroy us is real His deceptions are real his tools and weapons of
destruction are many and his ability to use them against us is serious threat
to our life, joy, peace liberty and pursuit of happiness.
We know also as
faithful Christians walking in the spirit and not in the flesh we are
always on the front lines of defensive battle we are Satan’s number one targets,
for if he could destroy the strong of God’s saints he could control completely
the earth with his brainwashed slaves of evil.
In this New Year
we need to be bold, courageous witnesses of the power of God our Lord Jesus
Christ enough to take the attack to Satan and the world standing in the power
of the name of Jesus and His blood declaring victory over everything that God
has called evil abomination and offensive to His holiness.
We need to stop
crouching in fear of offending the world with the truth of the gospel of the
cross of Christ Jesus. We need to stop
trembling in silence with our mouths closed and non-actions in responding to
Satan and the world’s constant attacks upon Christianity.
We need to be on
the aggressive offense position defending our faith instead of sitting quietly
in the defensive position until forced to fight back, we need to be prepared
soldiers of the cross taking the war to our enemies the enemies of the cross of
Christ Jesus instead of allowing them to bring it to us in our weakest moment.
For clearly
Satan and the evil world has declared war against the children of God.
(“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,
and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues,
and nations.”) Revelation 13:7 KJV
But think about this and be
encouraged by the strength and power of your faith and hope in Jesus.
(And such as do wickedly
against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do
know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.) Daniel 11:32 KJV
In light of all
of this we also know that the truly redeemed of the Lord Jesus true born again
of His Holy Ghost are sealed with His promise by the power of His Holy Spirit
working in us so that we cannot be deceived by Satan or doctrines of men, we
cannot be defeated by demons, flesh or the world as long as we live in
obedience to the Holy Ghost in us and live always in the Spirit and not be
deterred or redirected by our inborn sinful flesh.
We know that as
long as we have on the full armor of God no enemy spiritual demon or human
controlled by demon spirits can penetrate the armor of God.
(Please read)(Ephesians 6:10-17 KJV)
As long
as we have the sword of the Spirit (word of God) the shield of faith, breast
plate of righteousness our feet prepared to go share the gospel as long as we
have prayer and faith to believe our prayers we have the weapons given us of
God for our survival in this godless evil world we have to travel through to
get to our final destination of heaven.
So don’t
fear to attack the strong holds of Satan for our weapons are mighty to the
tearing down of spiritual strong holds of demons.
the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling
down of strong holds;) 2 Corinthians 10:4 KJV
It is our flesh
that is our worst most deadly enemy, Satan and the world could never have
control over us except we surrender that power to them. For it is by obedience to the lusts of our
sinful flesh that we give them such power and control over us to our own hurt
and destruction.
Therefore my
Christian brethren brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ with these words I exhort and encourage you
all to walk worthy of the lord in this
coming new year no matter what it brings to us, where it leads us or what we
may have to suffer in it.
(“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall
suffer persecution.”) 2 Timothy 3:12
For He has
promised to never leave us or forsake us you can be certain that wherever our
steps take us through our journey of 2019 That our Lord Jesus goes before us He
walks behind us and He is always by our side, if we hold tightly to His strong
hands by our never wavering faith in His never wavering word trusting in His awesome
power and strength to strengthen us for He that is in us is greater than he
that is in the world ,we will by the grace and mercy of God get through this
new year and this ever changing from good to more corrupt evil wicked world.
At this point I
don’t know and neither do you if we will finish this year to its completion we
are definitely in the last days described by the Holy Bible Jesus could return
at any moment. Life has no guarantee of
tomorrow and any one of us could be called to give up the body in a split
second stepping from this world into eternity.
Therefore our
only hope of getting through this year successfully and victoriously is to turn
our steps from walking with the world to walking with Jesus through the world
our only hope of enduring until the end is to walk as close to Jesus with Jesus
as we possibly can.
Jesus said, (“But
he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”) Matthew
I end this post
with these words not mine but inspired and written by the Holy Ghost our Lord
God and savior Jesus Christ.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the
flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the
things that ye would.) Galatians 5:16-17
(“For ye were
sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:”
Ephesians 5:8 KJV
Remember also that,
(Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:
because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.) 1
John 4:4 KJV
(Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and
he will flee from you.)
James 4:7 KJV KJV
(“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by
the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the
death.”) Revelation 12:11 KJV
So then if we
all will walk through this brand new year in obedience to God’s written word,
in step with Jesus following the voice of His Holy Spirit as He leads the way.
We will live it
safely, joyously, happily, victoriously no matter what it brings to us for we
trust not in ourselves not in others not in the world but our hope and faith is
in the Lord Jesus Christ who by the cross spilled His holy blood, by His
resurrection from the grave of death He gained victory over the human flesh
over Satan over demons over death and hell over all the things the rest of us
have to overcome to be made worthy of eternal life in heaven.
By Him in Him
and through Him we already have the victory over all things.
The fact that He
died for us to give us the opportunity to relate to Holy God through Him makes
our living for Him easy when we truly surrender our mind, heart, soul and body
to live for Him.
(But as many as received him, to them gave he power to
become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:) John
1:12 KJV