Amen: Jesus is my life. (“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians
1:21 KJV
Most people are so wrapped up in
this temporary world serving themselves, serving someone else, serving this world,
some openly serving Satan in the vilest of sins bragging about it without shame,
serving the desires of their heart for the temporal that they reserve no time
to think about the eternal, pushing all thoughts aside of the day of their
departure from this temporary world into the eternal.
Fact is the day we are born into
this world we begin our departure from it each day brings us closer to the day
we will leave it. From the time we take
our first breath in this world we begin our battles to survive in it until the
time we are required to leave it.
Death is a very important subject
to think about I would say.
Since Satan in his sin of pride
and disobedience rebelled against his creator God and was thrown out of heaven
to dwell in the outer darkness and visit the earth introducing the first man Adam
to temptation of following him in his lies from the moment Adam chose to listen
to the voice of Satan instead of the voice of God, sin entered into the heart
of man and Adam knowing that sin brought with it a death sentence yet he chose to
believe the lies of Satan and reject the word of God. Every single one of us humans since have
been born out of Adams sin and in Adams sin we are all under the curse of sin
and face the consequences of sin which is death, we all are born with a death
sentence hanging over us.
Pretty important subject to think
about don’t you think? Yet most people
shove the thought of death to the back of their mind until the day it arrives
suddenly upon them and they are forced to realize that life in this world is
not eternal but only temporary.
Now it is also important to
understand that our heavenly Father creator saw all of this happening before He
even created the world and all that is in it before the first Adam was formed
from the dirt and placed in the Garden paradise God made for him God knew man’s
weakness of the flesh God knew Adam would sin in his flesh and lose his life in
the body to death. So before Adam was
even formed God prepared a way of deliverance for him a way to restore his life
from the sin that brought death to him and his decedents following after him
that also would die because of sin in their own body.
Yes because of Adams sin we all
were born into sin, death stalks us all from birth through life lurking
somewhere near us every day that we live waiting for that right opportunity to
snatch us from this world we all must struggle and fight the battle of life
over death with enemies of our body’s always out to kill us, enemies of our
health sickness and diseases, fatal accidents, murderers and most of all Satan
who is always devising his evil plans against us to kill us if God will allow
if he can. we all need deliverance from
sin deliverance from God’s judgment of
death for all sin, we all need deliverance and healing from sicknesses,diseases,un
seen accidents and enemies who would kill us in a minute if it were
possible. Most of all we need God’s love,
mercy and grace to forgive us of our sins, heal us of our sicknesses and
deliver us from our sins, out of our sins and restore us the life that Satan
has stolen from us and is taking from us each and every day we live in our
Amen: Yes the most important thing we can think
about is life and death there is absolutely nothing more important.
Yet sad to say most people will
shove it to the back of their minds and not face it until it suddenly and
without warning in most cases shows up to require payment. (“For the wages of sin is death;)
Romans 6:23 KJV
God made a way in his holiness
and righteousness by His compassion, mercy and grace to forgive us our sins,
deliver us out of our sins and save us from the consequences of our sins so
that we would not live in our sins and die in our sins suffer eternal judgment of
hell fire wrath reserved for Satan and all who choose to follow him in sin.
(For God so
loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth
in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to
condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.) John 3:16-17 KJV
(“The thief cometh not, but for to
steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and
that they might have it more abundantly.”) John 10:10
(“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Romans 6:23 KJV
If you have not yet accepted Gods
plan of deliverance for you if you are not in personal fellowship with Jesus Christ
the Lord living in and walking in the word of God obeying the voice of the Holy
Spirit as He seeks to guide you through the deadly dangers of this world into
your eternal destiny planned of God for you.
Please set aside your thoughts
and cares of this world and turn your thoughts to the most important matter of
your life and death.
It is not the temporary you
should be wasting your time thinking about but the eternal for who knows but
God whether this is the day your time will run out?
And to die in your sins is
permanent there is no forgiveness or deliverance offered to you after death.
(“For what shall it profit a man,
if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
Mark 8:36 KJV
(“Set your affection on
things above, not on things on the earth.”)
Colossians 3:2 KJV
How important will your cares of
this world be to you in the end of your life here if you have lived without relationship
and fellowship with Jesus who is the only way, truth and life the only door
opened to heaven and the heavenly Father who loves you?
Your life can never be worthwhile
and fruitful to the pleasing of God without Jesus in it. And without Jesus in your life you will lose
it to Satan, sin, death and hell.
(And the cares of this world, and the
deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the
word, and it becometh unfruitful.)
4:19 KJV
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