Sunday, September 29, 2013

Think about it

Think about it:

If Jesus had kept His mouth shut about His love for the heavenly Father and His love for Gods Human creation.

What If He had not preached the love of God and had compassion for the lost and dying of His generation.

If He had denied obedience to the voice and will of God for His life

He would have probably lived beyond His 33 1/3 years and not have been wrongfully crucified for our sins.

If He had obeyed the voice of Satan He would have by Satan been given temporary power over a worldly kingdom doomed to destruction and a devils hell.

He being Gods second Adam would have failed Gods purpose as did the first Adam and we humans would have no hope of salvation only looking forward to God’s wrath, judgment and eternal damnation.

By a matter of His choice he chose to turn away from Satan’s temptations and lies and carry His cross for us and die on our cross for our sins.

Because Jesus was faithful to Gods voice because He was faithful to Gods purpose and will because He took willingly the hatred, persecution, torture and the horrendous killing of His human body He was mocked for His testimony of faith in the fact that He was the Son of Almighty God.

Jesus proved His right to the title King of Kings and Lord of Lords He proved Himself Lord God Almighty the creator of the heavens, earth and all that was, is or ever will be.

And by His faithfulness we all have opportunity through Him to be saved have a blessed life and hope of eternal life in His heavenly kingdom.

Now it is Gods purpose and will that we the believers in Jesus we who are part of the church  of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth not keep our mouths shut  but lift Him up  to this present evil wicked world of humans because of our love for Him and our love for His human creation.

We are ambassadors for Jesus and the eternal kingdom of God if we fail the whole of our generation will be lost and damned for the price of sin.

We know that we will be hated we know that we will be persecuted for our obedience to God just as Jesus was in His day.

1 Corinthians 1:18  (KJV)
 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

We know also that some will believe and be saved, some will be almost persuaded to be saved and others will be lost to damnation because of their UN belief.

Romans 10:14  (NASB)
 How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?

We know as well that to keep silent about such a great love that God has for His creation if we were to let our lips refrain from speaking about so great a salvation that God offered to the world through His only begotten son we would be a failure to the will and purpose of God for our lives.

Yes we could choose to be silent we could fear to speak we could avoid the hatred and persecution that sometimes we receive from those who hate the very name of Jesus.

But then we choose rather to follow the answer that the apostles gave in their day.

Acts 5:29 (KJV)
 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Love us or hate us, hear us or turn a deaf ear to our message,join us or separate your selves from us, believe or don’t believe, live or die that is your choice.

But it is our choice to obey God rather than men!

2 Corinthians 5:20  K J V

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

America will have a Revival Solution or a repeat Revolution

America doesn’t need the Democrat party we don’t need the Republican Party we don’t need big government we don’t need the lies the crime and the scandals that are coming from crooked politicians. We don’t need the elite wealthy Lawyers and highly educated dummies full of greed and desire for power in charge of our country.

But we do need people with common sense hard working honest moral men and women having a love for God, family and country from their hearts of love managing America’s affairs.

We do need for American citizens to wake up, get up, stand up, talk up and clean up the trash we have let pollute our great nation for far too long.

We do need to wake the sleeping giant that has come to our nations rescue many times in America’s history. That giant who says,” Enough is enough” and stands tall and strong against America’s enemies and gives them a good old fashioned crushing blow of defeat.

It’s time that we the people take back our position of ownership and control of our country and our lives from those that have determined to steal both our country and our identity that our forefathers fought  died and lost everything that they had to give us.

We were a great and precious country UN like any other nation in the world we were once one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.

We have now become a nation of many gods with Godless leaders that mock
God freedom, liberty and justice.

The America that we once knew is breathing its last breath struggling for life and is going to die if we don’t have a miracle of Gods help and healing.

If we the people don’t repent of America’s sins unite and lay hands on our dyeing country crying out to Almighty God for the healing of our nation we are going to lose our country and way of life that has been the reputation of America for the past many generations.

People it’s up to us to save America and restore it to life one nation under Almighty God that it once had.
Our actions now will either finish America’s suicidal death or bring it back to life.

The answer is we the People Unite and for our country take up the fight!

Remember slaves are never free and cowards will never have Liberty
There is still hope for our plight if we will stand together for what’s right.

If in this we fail our enemies will prevail and plunge our nation into the darkest of night.
And after that God’s wrath, judgment and punishment in hell!

America will have a Revival Solution or a repeat Revolution.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I was born in the latter years of the great depression

I was born in the latter years of the great depression and during the beginning of world war two.
Times were hard people suffered many things city jobs were scarce good jobs were hard to find, there were few wealthy few middle class but a lot of poor folks in those days.

In those days most people trusted in God and looked to him to supply their needs they shared with family and friends if they had more than they needed.
The Christian church provided for the very poor helped the fatherless, wives that had lost their husbands and children who had lost their parents.

The People helped one another, Families helped families, neighbors helped neighbors and all who had faith to trust and believe God for their needs received help from Almighty God.

Church and state were separate in that the church took care of its business and the state took care of its business.
Church and government were united in the fact that the church took care of the spiritual needs of the people helped to provide food clothing and shelter to the very poor.

And the government  enforced the laws approved by the people managed the military and domestic police forces in the protection of the people from foreign and domestic enemies and stayed out of the church and peoples personal business.

It was never intended that our government would control the people but that the people would be in control of our government.

Limited government was what our forefathers provided. Intrusive government is what we have allowed.

In Americas beginning it was intended that the church play a vital part in our government but not that our government be controlled by any particular religion.
It was known then that Americas God was the one and only Almighty God of all creation and the Christian faith was practiced in many different ways by all believers according to the dictates of their own hearts.

It was the constitutional right of all politicians both Federal government and in state government to practice their faith in the offices they held. And prayer to the one Almighty God concerning our nation was offered by all regardless of their chosen way of worship.

America was indeed a Christian nation and proud to confess it before the world and God once blessed this nation wondrously above all nations.

Now many gods have been introduced into our government both in the federal and state level and Almighty God has been kicked out Christianity is forbidden to be expressed or practiced while on government or state property because of the foolish idea that Christianity has to be separated from local state and federal government. There is nothing written in our constitution or bill of rights that confirms this falsehood.

Church and state were meant to work together neither having control over the other. The American people were meant to be in control of our government and our government was meant to be a force for protecting the people’s rights not a force controlling the people.

It is not the government’s job to provide anything for the people other than enforcing the laws that the people have approved and managing our military and police forces both foreign and domestic.

Our country is now under a curse our prosperity is now being turned into poverty our borders have become open to terrorists and drug traffickers bringing their hellish destruction to America. Far too many of our citizens have surrendered to Satan’s vices of destruction and immorality is destroying the lives multitudes.  Our government is broken our national debt is way out of control the only hope of saving our country is a miracle from God.

When we come back to government of the people, by the people and for the people and return to caring for and providing each other’s needs as we each have the ability to do so.

When we stop expecting our government to do for us what we should do for ourselves when we stop putting our faith in a manmade failing government and begin to trust Almighty God to restore our nation to its former greatness. Perhaps then God will have mercy on us and bless us again. I should rephrase this statement and say that I know that if we will as a nation return to God He will return to us His mercy and grace.

It is very important that we as a nation return to honoring and serving the Heavenly Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Then we will prosper and our nation will again be blessed of God and our former greatness He will restore to us.

If we continue down the road we have chosen poverty death and destruction will fill our final days and at the end hell prepared for all nations that forget God and live in rebellion to His just laws.

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17 KJV).

Monday, September 23, 2013

Things we have in common

This world is filled with many different peoples speaking different languages having different customs and cultures.

We all have different colors different body shapes and sizes our beliefs differ from each other our talents are diverse we each are uniquely different one from the other

But there are some things we have in common.

We all are a creation of Almighty God.

We all were conceived in our mother’s womb by both male and female seed.

We all have a gift of time to spend on this earth a measure of days allotted to us by Almighty God.

We all have rebelled against God and His righteous commandments that were meant to give us an abundant and good life here on earth.

We all have sinned and come short of what God wanted us to be.

We all have the same righteous judgment of God pronounced upon us because of our sins.

God’s law requires our death because we all have sinned and we all will die because of our sins.

And after death we all face Gods righteous judgment for the way we have spent our time the things we have devoted our lives to doing will determine eternal life and joy for us or eternal damnation and banishment forever from the presence of God.

But Gods mercy and grace also applies to us all and through the gift of Gods only begotten Son Jesus He has given us the promise of forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life in heaven.

Another thing that we all have in common is God’s gift of free will choice God allows us all to choose how we will spend our time on earth and the deeds we do in our bodies.

Another thing we have in common is our common enemy who exists to steal, kill and destroy all that God meant for us to have and enjoy. He is known by different names but the most often used is the devil or Satan he is the father of lies and the author of death and destruction his purpose is to steal, kill and bring destruction upon us and create havoc upon the earth. He uses our lust of the flesh and our love of the world as weapons against us to take from us what God wants us to have.

We have the common ability to hear the voice of God as well the voice of Satan we can choose to follow the lies of Satan or obey the voice of God.

There are only two ways we can spend our time we can either devote our lives to God and doing His will that will give us an abundant life here on earth and the hope of eternal life in heaven.

Or we can waste our time in believing the lies of Satan and pursuing the fulfillment of the lusts of our flesh and the things that make our bodies feel good but will end in misery and death.

You decide which is better to exist day by day on the air you breathe and die without really living or to live by the Spirit and power of God a full and complete life and never die but when the time comes just move from this life into an immortal body to your special place and address in heaven.

There is nothing common between heaven and hell they are totally different places there is an eternal separation between the two.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013



 On that horrible day when I saw for the second time in America’s recent history that America could be attacked by surprise from the air and leave death and destruction behind.

 I was shocked as I watched on a small screened TV in my office video of the first plane and then the second plane flying into the twin towers.

When the first plane hit I was stunned at first and it seemed like one of our commercial planes had flown off course and crashed by accident.

But then the second plane appeared and I then realized there was an enemy seeking to bring death and harm to America.

I swore to myself and God on that day that I would devote the rest of my life to opposing and fighting these enemies in every way that I can.

America’s main enemy is sin and I fight it with a passion it was sin that caused the death and destruction to America on that day.

Those men who hijacked American planes and flew them into the twin towers were filled with sin and hate for America.

It is sin and all the other things in its arsenal of weapons hate, greed, lust etc. that create an atmosphere that brings death and destruction wherever it exists.

And as the memory of 9,11,2001 is forever embedded in my mind so is prayer to my God for the eradicating of sin in people’s lives.

And so is my desire to give the remaining days of my life in fighting this Americas number one enemy and the greatest enemy of mankind.


Romans 6:23 (KJV)

 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013



This was Americas past we elected God loving men of faith who held strong moral character as leaders of this great nation.  God blessed America and America prospered and stood in the entire world a beacon of hope to all.

Today America elects secular men and women who have no love for God whose faith is in them, in other men or in other gods.  Today America seems to be under a curse has lost its prosperity gives no hope to any and is hated in the entire world.

America’s future if it even has a future is not looking so bright. A nation that blindly elects destroyers of our constitution and Bill of rights and those who would openly say that America is no longer what it once was a Christian nation. A nation that deliberately puts men in power who oppose morality and lead attacks on its Christian citizens and who support evil over good cannot stand for very much longer.

This is a nation that turns away from loving God and mocks and persecutes the few citizens who still do.

The Holy Bible is very clear about how God views such a nation and the final outcome of such a people.

Psalm 9:17 (KJV)
 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Romans 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
God has put it in our hands we the American people to change the course of Americas destination.

Will we do it?

2 Chronicles 7:1 (KJV)

 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

America is not lost yet God is still in control

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

I remember when Americans stood together right hands placed over hearts looking up at our symbol of freedom the red white and blue stars and stripes that declared to the world that we were the home of the brave and the land of the free.

I remember when with one voice we stood together declaring our allegiance  under that flag to the republic of America confessing ourselves one nation under God indivisible having liberty and justice for all.

I remember when America was the hope of freedom in all the world and the voice of America spoke out to the masses, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of you teamming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" This poem is called the New Colossus and it was written by Emma Lazarus.

I remember when America recognized Almighty God as our supreme leader and wrote our laws and bill of rights based on Gods Ten Commandments as written in the Holy Bible.

I remember when America knew its God ordained purpose in the world was a force for good an example of the blessings of God upon a nation who confessed that we were kept and protected by the power of God.

I remember when America required all of its elected politicians holding every government and state office to uphold keep and defend America’s constitution.

Today I see a nation with many who have lost their respect for the very symbol of our independence and freedom our American flag.

Today I see a nation of peoples who have broken their pledge to the republic of America

Today I see a nation whose peoples are divided by race politics and religion the larger part of them have turned their backs on the one true God who holds our destiny in His power.

Today I see a nation governed by evil wicked persons whether knowingly or not knowing what they are doing to our country I don’t know.

But their purpose is to change and rewrite our American constitution take away as many of our rights of freedom as they can and turn our nation from independence to dependence upon world domination.
I also see a remnant a small number of Americas people have not turned their backs on God have not broken their pledge to God and country will not give up our constitution and bill of rights without a fight.

And since our fight is not only with evil wicked people it is also with evil wicked spirits who have taken control of the masses.

We cannot fight this war alone and expect to win our spirit is willing but our flesh is weak we must rely on the one who has the power to defeat all enemies.

We must confront our enemies in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the name of our heavenly Father and in strong faith trust the Holy Spirit of God to tear down the strong hold of the enemies of America.

Ephesians 6:12
King James Version (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Remember God has always taken the few and fulfilled his will and purpose. God can and will take the few remaining faithful left in America and use them to prove that He is God to the amazement of many.

It is our part to lift up the mighty name of Jesus stand up as shining lights in the darkness and pray continually without ceasing.

America is not lost yet God is still in control no matter how it looks in the end God still has the final say concerning America.
God used one teenage boy with no battle experience who stood in the name of the lord having five smooth stones and a sling shot to save Israel in that day

The year and the weapons have changed God and His word has not.

He is the same God yesterday today and forever. Can He not use one or a few who stands in the name of the Lord Jesus to save America today?