Saturday, September 28, 2013

America will have a Revival Solution or a repeat Revolution

America doesn’t need the Democrat party we don’t need the Republican Party we don’t need big government we don’t need the lies the crime and the scandals that are coming from crooked politicians. We don’t need the elite wealthy Lawyers and highly educated dummies full of greed and desire for power in charge of our country.

But we do need people with common sense hard working honest moral men and women having a love for God, family and country from their hearts of love managing America’s affairs.

We do need for American citizens to wake up, get up, stand up, talk up and clean up the trash we have let pollute our great nation for far too long.

We do need to wake the sleeping giant that has come to our nations rescue many times in America’s history. That giant who says,” Enough is enough” and stands tall and strong against America’s enemies and gives them a good old fashioned crushing blow of defeat.

It’s time that we the people take back our position of ownership and control of our country and our lives from those that have determined to steal both our country and our identity that our forefathers fought  died and lost everything that they had to give us.

We were a great and precious country UN like any other nation in the world we were once one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.

We have now become a nation of many gods with Godless leaders that mock
God freedom, liberty and justice.

The America that we once knew is breathing its last breath struggling for life and is going to die if we don’t have a miracle of Gods help and healing.

If we the people don’t repent of America’s sins unite and lay hands on our dyeing country crying out to Almighty God for the healing of our nation we are going to lose our country and way of life that has been the reputation of America for the past many generations.

People it’s up to us to save America and restore it to life one nation under Almighty God that it once had.
Our actions now will either finish America’s suicidal death or bring it back to life.

The answer is we the People Unite and for our country take up the fight!

Remember slaves are never free and cowards will never have Liberty
There is still hope for our plight if we will stand together for what’s right.

If in this we fail our enemies will prevail and plunge our nation into the darkest of night.
And after that God’s wrath, judgment and punishment in hell!

America will have a Revival Solution or a repeat Revolution.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775

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