Thursday, September 26, 2013

I was born in the latter years of the great depression

I was born in the latter years of the great depression and during the beginning of world war two.
Times were hard people suffered many things city jobs were scarce good jobs were hard to find, there were few wealthy few middle class but a lot of poor folks in those days.

In those days most people trusted in God and looked to him to supply their needs they shared with family and friends if they had more than they needed.
The Christian church provided for the very poor helped the fatherless, wives that had lost their husbands and children who had lost their parents.

The People helped one another, Families helped families, neighbors helped neighbors and all who had faith to trust and believe God for their needs received help from Almighty God.

Church and state were separate in that the church took care of its business and the state took care of its business.
Church and government were united in the fact that the church took care of the spiritual needs of the people helped to provide food clothing and shelter to the very poor.

And the government  enforced the laws approved by the people managed the military and domestic police forces in the protection of the people from foreign and domestic enemies and stayed out of the church and peoples personal business.

It was never intended that our government would control the people but that the people would be in control of our government.

Limited government was what our forefathers provided. Intrusive government is what we have allowed.

In Americas beginning it was intended that the church play a vital part in our government but not that our government be controlled by any particular religion.
It was known then that Americas God was the one and only Almighty God of all creation and the Christian faith was practiced in many different ways by all believers according to the dictates of their own hearts.

It was the constitutional right of all politicians both Federal government and in state government to practice their faith in the offices they held. And prayer to the one Almighty God concerning our nation was offered by all regardless of their chosen way of worship.

America was indeed a Christian nation and proud to confess it before the world and God once blessed this nation wondrously above all nations.

Now many gods have been introduced into our government both in the federal and state level and Almighty God has been kicked out Christianity is forbidden to be expressed or practiced while on government or state property because of the foolish idea that Christianity has to be separated from local state and federal government. There is nothing written in our constitution or bill of rights that confirms this falsehood.

Church and state were meant to work together neither having control over the other. The American people were meant to be in control of our government and our government was meant to be a force for protecting the people’s rights not a force controlling the people.

It is not the government’s job to provide anything for the people other than enforcing the laws that the people have approved and managing our military and police forces both foreign and domestic.

Our country is now under a curse our prosperity is now being turned into poverty our borders have become open to terrorists and drug traffickers bringing their hellish destruction to America. Far too many of our citizens have surrendered to Satan’s vices of destruction and immorality is destroying the lives multitudes.  Our government is broken our national debt is way out of control the only hope of saving our country is a miracle from God.

When we come back to government of the people, by the people and for the people and return to caring for and providing each other’s needs as we each have the ability to do so.

When we stop expecting our government to do for us what we should do for ourselves when we stop putting our faith in a manmade failing government and begin to trust Almighty God to restore our nation to its former greatness. Perhaps then God will have mercy on us and bless us again. I should rephrase this statement and say that I know that if we will as a nation return to God He will return to us His mercy and grace.

It is very important that we as a nation return to honoring and serving the Heavenly Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Then we will prosper and our nation will again be blessed of God and our former greatness He will restore to us.

If we continue down the road we have chosen poverty death and destruction will fill our final days and at the end hell prepared for all nations that forget God and live in rebellion to His just laws.

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17 KJV).

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