Thursday, March 13, 2014

Is history repeating itself in America?

It seems that it is all right for one to curse the name of Jesus in public, but for one to speak His name in honor is forbidden.

But to stop this thing from spreading any further among the people, we must warn them to speak no longer to anyone in this name." Acts 4:17 (NIV)

Is history repeating itself in America?

In our society now there is such fear of hearing or seeing the word of God expressed that they are going to great lengths to try to stop it from happening. They want to silence Christians and throw out the Bible that we live by if they can.

Many in our society no longer love God or fear the wrath of God, but they do fear hearing His gospel message or reading His Holy word. It seems that what they fear the most is reference to the name of Jesus.

But try they might it will never happen, not even in America it has been tried in centuries past to silence the voice of God’s Holy spirit in the world, the Bible and Christians have been under attack in many generations, in many countries and are so now persecuted in the heathen countries, still they have never been silenced and never will be as long as God lives it is not possible for the creator of all that is, was or ever will be to die.

So now Satan is hard at work in America trying to stop the the name of Jesus and the written word of God from being posted or spoken in public areas.

It seems that it is all right for one to curse the name of Jesus in public, but for one to speak His name in honor is forbidden.

Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press is something that has been done in America since it fought and won its freedom and independence from Great Britain.

If we allow this action to continue, will we be able to still call this nation a free republic?
Or by our inaction will we give in and give over our rights to a dictator government?

How much longer now in our beloved America will it be before one will be arrested, imprisoned or even killed for their faith and their willingness and obedience to obey the command of the word of God in witnessing Jesus.
Our freedom of speech and our freedom of the press guarantees every American citizen the right to express their views both in speech and in writing whether they are a private citizen, serve in the military or in some other governmental office or function.

That constitutional freedom is not limited to homes or church buildings. As Christians we have the command to live and express our faith and way of life in every place that our bodies are present.

How can we be the light of the world if we don’t shine in every dark place?

 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

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