Friday, September 12, 2014

Enter through the narrow gate

 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.   But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.    Matthew 7:13-14 (NIV)

For those of us who have the ability to discern we see the human society following two very different directions, two very different paths in life, leading to two very different places in the end.
There is the broad road of sin that most of the world follows, and there is the narrow road of righteousness that a very few of the world’s population follows.

If we have any sense at all we know that the human race is destroying through its desire for evil and sinful pleasures of the flesh, the world that God created placed us in and said it all was good.
We have taken that which was once good and instead of preserving it and rightly using it, we have turned it into an evil playground, inviting Satan, sin and demonic spirits of evil to dominate and control our lives our world and the road that we travel.   And by evil deeds and sinful actions we destroy our lives and a little bit more of the good earth, God gave us to live on each and every day.

It was not meant to be this way, God did not intend for it to be this way, God does not want it to be this way, but since God has given each of us the gift of free will choice to choose the road that we travel.   The majority of you have chosen the broad road that leads to destruction and rejected the only path that leads to life. Many of you are on the broad road because you are afraid of being different and you don’t want to be separated from family and friends who travel the broad road.

So you are willing to live a few short days filling your lives with the pure hell of addictions of your flesh giving yourselves over to every sinful lust that your mind and body can crave.   It is easy to live in sin and sin is pleasure to the body of flesh, but sin becomes hell on earth and leads to hell below.

The straight and narrow path however leads to a God blessed fulfilled life on earth and eternal life in heaven.   But unlike the life of sin it is a very hard life to live and without holding tightly to the hand of Jesus none of us could travel it, stay on it or follow it until we reach our destination at the end.

Two roads, two paths, two directions to go ,two lives to live, two spirits to follow the evil spirit Satan, the good Spirit God.

Who are you following today? What road are you traveling today? If God required your soul today where would your road take you?

You don’t have to be on the broad road that leads to destruction, you don’t have to live your lives in sin, you don’t have to let evil corrupt you, you don’t have to allow Satan and his fallen angels to dominate and control your lives.   And you don’t have to continue to destroy your life and your world through sin.

For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.   For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.   John 3:16-17 (NIV)

You see! God made a way to fix our broken lives and our broken world.
Let God save you through Jesus, and you through Jesus can live to help change the direction of your world and help lost souls to get off the broad road and on the narrow path that leads to an abundantly blessed and eternal life.

C.E.Lee 9122014

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