I was born a few
years after the first automobile rolled through the streets of America’s cities
and in a time where the first covered outside toilets were commonly used, but
before the first jet airplane flew the sky’s taking travelers around the
world. I rode in one of Henry Ford’s
model T Fords, used the outhouse and took my baths in the creek that ran by our
house or in a galvanized tin wash tub for many years and as an adult I flew a
few times on jet airplanes.
Since then I have
seen science and technology cause swift changes in our society and way of life,
I have seen how Radio, Television, Telephones and now Computers, Cellular
phones and the internet have changed us even more.
But the big
question in my mind is, has all these modern continuing changes really been
good for us? Have they really benefited
us? Or have they hurt us badly?
Remembering my
child hood and the honest simple life people lived in those days when a hand
shake settled contracts and the crime rate was such that one could leave their
doors and windows unlocked open and
never think about someone breaking into their homes harming them and stealing
their possessions. Comparing those days
with the fast paced modern instant communications, fast travel stress filled
hurried living practices of people of today.
The answers for me
is No all these modern inventions and devices have not really bettered our
society instead they are becoming our down fall. Because of the desire to have more of them
and the greed to get more of them and the leisure they give us to pleasure
ourselves in all the things we should not be doing. Most have no time to have close
relationships with family and friends.
Mothers and fathers have no time or desire to train their children how
to become sensible common sense adults any more. Between all the hours that both have to work
in order to have all of these modern day computerized electronic adult toys and
gadgets and the little free time they have left, caught up in and spent in
their own pleasuring, American families are separated from one another and true
family relationships has nearly become extinct. Because they have lost the meaning of what
close family means to our society and themselves.
Remembering the
days of my teenage years when American families were patriotic enough to fly
proudly the American flag on almost every home in every town, city and state
across America. Most were Christians
and not ashamed to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, they attended
church services on a regular basis, they taught the Bible and ten commandments
to their children at home at church in schools they were not ashamed or afraid
to set them as examples for children to follow posting them in the class rooms
and hall walls in the school building for all to observe. In those days the Holy Bible and the American
flag were honored respected and expected to be seen in our schools, court
houses and government offices both state and federal. Today they are not allowed on the premises
of schools government buildings and many homes that still have them never open
them or read them.
What would you say
has our country gone from bad to good or from good to bad?
Our country was in
those days proud to be called one nation under God. Today it is fast becoming one nation without
God, America has taken and enjoyed all the blessings of God these many years
and now they want to remove God from their lives and our country. Which America will soon find is a fatal and
tragic mistake turning from the God of our blessings to the gods of technology
and science is to remove our God given blessings in exchange for His wrath and
In the days of my
growing into adult hood times were simple people lived free simple lives the
only stress they had was from hard work from daylight until dark. In today’s world people are all stressed out
because they can’t pay the bills resulting from all the stuff they think they
can’t live without and trying to live above their means
High school and
college education was encouraged but training in the Holy Bible was stressed
more important. Parents wanted their
children to be well versed in the Holy Scriptures and wise in the word of God
they wanted their children to become adults with common sense rather than
worldly college educated idiots. “Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools,”.
Romans 1:22
Here is a word picture of the time we are now living in you
compare what I have said with these words and decide for yourselves.
Are we better off today than we were then? Has science and technology changed America
and the world for better or for worse?
Or are we destroying ourselves with these things? Are we not abandoning what was good for
America and accepting what is bad for the health and prosperity of America? Is our American schools and colleges turning
out better educated children without God and the Bible? Or are we not seeing our beloved country
overflow with college educated fools having neither wisdom nor common sense?
But mark this: There will be
terrible times in the last days. People
will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive,
disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving,
slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous,
rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having
a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
They are the kind who worm their way
into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins
and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to
come to a knowledge of the truth. Just
as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth.
They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are
rejected. But they will
not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be
clear to everyone.
2 Timothy 3: 1-9 (NIV)
You do what you
will! But, “See, I set before
you today life and prosperity, death and destruction”. Deuteronomy 30:15
America may consider herself to no longer be One Nation
Under God or the Christian nation she once was but for me and my house hold we
remain and always will be one family under God we will remain a Christian
family left standing by the love and power of God while todays America is
falling into destruction because of her choice to push God from their lives and
our country.
C.E.Lee 9282014
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