Hosea 4:6
King James Version (KJV)
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast
rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to
me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy
Someone has said
“America is …,uh,is no longer,uh…
what it could be, what it once was, and I say to myself, I don’t want that
future for my children,”
Of all the wrong statements that has been made about America by many people I’ll have to say, this one is about right in some respects although I don’t agree with the policies of the man who made it.
America is no longer what it
could be or what it once was its greatness is gone with the past.
Those of us who grew up during
the 1930’s,1940’s,and 1950’s know full well that America today is far from what
it was in that period of time.
The America of our time was one
nation under God holding to the principals of liberty and justice for all.
We were the United States of
Our America was one that had
faith in Almighty God most of our citizens loved and cared for one another and
helped each other get through hard times. Honesty and integrity were prevalent
deals could be made and contracts could be signed with a handshake. Our doors
could be left unlocked and our windows could remain open around the clock and
no one would break in or take something that belonged to someone else. We did
not have to fear for our lives or bodily harm from some deranged person or terrorist
while in public or in our own homes.
Our children were taught to love
honor and respect God, country their parents and their elders. They were taught
work ethics as soon as they were able to walk and talk.
Most of our generation lived by
the Bible the ten commandments of God and had good reputations and moral
Sure there were a few bad apples
in the barrel but unlike today most were good. In today’s generation there is
more spoiled bad ones than there are good apples the whole barrel is almost all
In those days foreigners came to America
for hope of a better life for their families. They came here to escape the
slavery of their dictator governments. They came here to become Americans they
learned our language and our life principals and joined us in becoming American
Today they come into our country illegally
they cling to their own languages and customs refusing to learn ours and divide
America into a bunch of little countries.
America’s people are divided by race,
politics and religion. If Americans
continue down this road its future is collapse and destruction.
Today we are seen as the divided
states of America.
If we are to survive as a great
nation leading the world in hope and promise of something better we desperately
need revival of the old ways. We need to return to the faith of our forefathers,
we need to return to the relationship we once had with our God. We need while
there is still time, to begin teaching our little ones to love and fear God who
controls all things and to love and respect our nation.
How can we expect them to keep
the laws of the land unless we teach them to keep the laws of God?
I am the opposite of the man who
made the above statement in his political speech.
I wish for America to become all
that it can be by returning to the nation it once was.
It is the future America is now heading
for that I don’t want as a future for my grandchildren and great grandchildren
to grow up in.
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