Sunday, May 12, 2013

Many of us like to blame others when things go wrong for us

Many of us like to blame others when things go wrong for us. Some like to blame God others like to blame Satan.  Many will allow anger to cause them to strike out against the person or persons that they blame for their misfortune, pain or suffering by calling them awful names cursing them ridiculing them before the public and any other thing they can think of to do to hurt the person or persons responsible for the predicament that they find themselves in.

This attitude started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and has followed people from generation to generation and in today’s generation it seems to be much more prevalent than ever.
Adam blamed Eve; Eve blamed the serpent neither of them wanted to accept responsibility for their own actions.

The serpent did not deny his part in the scheme but all he was guilty of was tempting Eve to sin and convincing her that God had lied to them.

Genesis Chapter 3

There are too many of us who are so ready to blame others for our life’s situations. Husbands blame wife’s, wife’s blame husbands children blame parents everyone wants to blame somebody for the cause of what has happened to us as an individual and a nation. We like to blame our elected officials and political leaders our courts and our judges for the mess our country is in.

If we would stop for a minute and think clearly we would realize that we are where we are and what is happening to us and our country is a direct result of who we voted into political office. Perhaps it is because we didn’t vote at all that has brought these troubled times upon us.
After all if we all had voted wisely and for the right person wouldn’t things be better in our lives and in our country?

Actually voting for men to lead our nation has little to do with our situation it is our hearts that need to be fixed before the troubles of our lives and our nation can be solved.
Every action has a reaction likewise every failure to act wisely has a reaction.

Could it be that the troubles that we are having in our lives and as a nation is the direct result of what we as an individual did or did not do? Is it not the consequences of our own actions that bring us good or cause the bad to befall us?

Isn’t it time we stopped blaming others and begin to look into our own hearts and lives for the answer?

Isn’t it time that we realized the truth and that the real blame goes to the sin that fills the hearts of the people of our nation and our world?

It is a recorded fact that sin was responsible for Adam and Eve’s plight and it is a fact that sin is the blame for our troubles and our nation’s downfall.

We cannot live in disobedience to God’s laws and not pay a terrible price history has confirmed this fact.

Isn’t it time we as individuals and we as a nation open our eyes to see Satan’s lies, he lied to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when he said,

Genesis 3:

I f you don’t think that is the biggest lie ever told go visit any cemetery anywhere in the world and take a good look at the tomb stones.
History confirms that the wages of sin is death.

Romans 6:23
King James Version (KJV)
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

So lets place the blame where it belongs and then do what it takes to get our lives and our nation back to where God wants us to be.

You will be amazed at how the act of repentance and surrender to the will of Almighty God will solve a lot of problems and fix lives and restore our country to what God meant for it to be.

1 John 1:9
New International Version (NIV)
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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