Friday, March 1, 2013

The power of these three

Every one of us arrives in this world in the same way. We enter as little babies having brand new bodies and innocent little minds. God has given us each basic programming to begin our growth.  We have conscience to reveal to us right from wrong. We have hearts that sense that God is and that he is pure love.
Deep inside our hearts we have that feeling that we were meant to love God in return of His love for us. Like a hard drive on a computer God has given us the ability to be programed to live life in this world. We were born free clean and uncluttered from the harmful things of this world. God gave us freewill choice to be programed or to program ourselves for the kind of life we live.

Like a brand new computer we can be filled with good software and good programs or we can fill its hard drive with trash and corruptible garbage. And at some point it will crash due to viruses that have invaded it and stopped it from working properly the way it was designed in the beginning to work.

When this happens in order to restore the computer to its original purpose we must format the hard drive clean it of all the trash and corrupted files that have invaded it and reload it with the original software that made it work the way it was meant to work.

We have allowed our hearts and minds to become so filled with trash and the sins of this world that we can no longer fulfill God’s original purpose for giving us life in this world. The only way that we can be repaired is to confess our sins to our Heavenly Father repent of them and allow Him to wash and cleanse our hearts with His holy word and the blood of His only begotten Son Jesus.

We see evil and wicked things coming out of the lives of many people today. We see mass killing of school children murders rapes and slaughter of the innocents throughout the country.

Lying cheating stealing adultery unnatural life styles greed and corruption of all kinds have become our accepted way of life. Most of us no longer have a sense of moral rightness. Our society is headed for a total collapse if we don’t break free from these things that are destroying us individually and as a country.

This happens because hearts have become burdened with the consequences of sin and minds have been overloaded and short circuited with trash and garbage so that they can no longer function with any right purpose.

God’s original plan for us was that we live upright unpolluted happy blessed and free lives all the days of our lives.

Most of us have altered His good and wonderful plans for us when we began to fill our hearts and minds with things that pleasure the flesh. And the greed and lust for these things have pushed our love for God and for one another our relationship with God and one another out of our hearts until we can’t be what He wants us to be and do what He wants us to do because of the consequences and pressures of the corruption and pollution our lives are ensnared in.

We Americans have been most blessed of God having had the privilege to live in a free nation given to us by Almighty God. A nation filled with churches pastors’ preacher’s expounders of the Holy bible (word of God). Of all peoples of the world we have no excuses for what we have allowed ourselves and our country to become.

If we desire to be free people to continue to be and stay a free nation then we must remove the filthiness from our hearts and the garbage from our nation.

Let me remind you that we still have three important documents that are very effective in helping us to accomplish this task.

These are The Holy Bible the United States Constitution and the Bill of rights.

Let me encourage you to read them listen to what they say and fill your hearts with their life saving words. Let me encourage you to uphold them defend them stand strong in them and fight if you have to keep them in force.

The consequences for ourselves and our country are too great of a price to pay if we ignore them reject them and voluntarily give them up.

 They contain the words of freedom for individuals and our nation these are the only documents that guarantees our freedom to have a life with liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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