There is a lot of talk about gun control in order to stop the senseless
killings in America.
More gun control regulations will not stop the killing of
innocent little babies carried out in abortion clinics throughout America.
Or the senseless killings of demon drug possessed killers
against our school children.
Gun control is not the
answer how about controlling the real problem sin how about controlling
wickedness in the land. Sin and wickedness has caused the deaths of more people
than anything else under man’s weapons for killing.
Why don't we promote some self-control and sex control to stop
unwanted pregnancies instead of murdering them after they are in the womb?
I have a weapon and a license and the authority to openly carry
and use it at will. It is the most powerful weapon known to man. I have the necessary
permit from the highest authority to use it against all sin and wickedness.
There is no registration or authority from government required.
My weapon is called the sword of the spirit the word of God and
it will even cause devils to tremble and put them to flight.
There is no limit on its purchase or the ammunition it contains
and governments cannot stop its power.
It is available to all who want to carry and use it in our
battle against spiritual wickedness in high places.
It is guaranteed to carry out the purpose that Almighty God
sends it out to do.
If all those who say they are Christians and believers in Jesus
will rise up from their pleasure seeking ways take up their crosses, their
Bibles and follow Jesus and begin using His holy word against the forces of
evil in America. Together with God’s help we can clean up our government our
states our cities our churches and our communities.
We can run Satan and his demons out of our country, our churches
our homes and our families.
The weapon is available we have the authority given from God to
use it and it has the power to stop all evil.
The question is will we use it?
Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,
Romans 13:4
- For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is
evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister
of God, a revenger to [execute] wrath upon him that doeth evil.piercing even to
the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is]
a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
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