Thursday, July 18, 2013

There is still hope for America

“We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”   ( President Abraham Lincoln)

America is fast becoming a government of the government, by the government and for the government.
What happened to cause the people to lose control of our government and surrender America to the control of government?

Let me answer that question for you. It has happened because the masses have become blind. Millions have become too cowardly to stand up for their freedom and liberty, they have become lazy and unproductive, they have become greedy to have their needs supplied by a government who forcefully takes from those few who work hard and gives to those who will not provide for themselves. The mindset of so many Americans is set on pleasures of their flesh and what they can get for nothing without putting a whole lot of effort into it.

The lifestyles of most Americans have been reduced to partying fun and games they have no time to think about the things that once made America great.

They can no longer stand up fight for and hold on to the freedoms and liberties that our forefathers fought for died for and left in our charge to pass on to our children and grandchildren.

They have become so satisfied with their booze, drugs and party down that they are willing to turn our country over to be run by big government.

They have become so brainwashed in our schools and universities they no longer have the intelligence to think for themselves.

Many of them don’t really care that we are fast becoming controlled by government instead of being in control of our government.

What is the dictionary’s definition of blind?
adjective, blind·er, blind·est, verb, noun, adverb
unable to see; lacking the sense of sight; sightless: a blind man.
unwilling or unable to perceive or understand: They were blind to their children's faults. He was blind to all arguments.
not characterized or determined by reason or control: blind tenacity; blind chance.
not having or based on reason or intelligence; absolute and unquestioning: She had blind faith in his fidelity.
lacking all consciousness or awareness: a blind stupor.

There is still hope for America if there are few who still have sight and are willing to stand up and fight to keep the direction of our country from going left instead of right.

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